《权力的游戏》精讲 第10集:血火同源(10)(在线收听

I pushed him out the window. Why? I hoped the fall would kill him.


Why? You should get some sleep. It's going to be a long war.


I can't believe we're actually at war. Was it this exciting last time, when you were young? What does it say?

不敢相信 真打起来了你年轻时那场仗有没有这么刺激呀信上说了什么

Have we captured Robb Stark yet? What's our next move? Stop talking. Get back into bed.

我们抓住罗柏.史塔克了吗下一步怎么做 闭嘴回床上去

They have my son. The Stark boy appears to be less green than we'd hoped. I've heard his wolf killed a dozen men and as many horses.

我儿子在他们手上看来史塔克小子没我们指望的那么嫩啊听闻他的狼杀了十几个人 咬死十几匹马

Is it true about Stannis and Renly? Both Baratheon brothers have taken up against us. Jaime captured, his armies scattered.

关于史坦尼斯和蓝礼的消息是真的吗拜拉席恩两兄弟都开始对付我们了詹姆被俘 围城军队又遭击溃
