《权力的游戏》精讲 第10集:血火同源(19)(在线收听

Madness is the worst. He was a good man, such a charmer.


To watch him melt away before my eyes, consumed by dreams of fire and blood. Robert Baratheon was an entirely different animal.


Powerful man, a great warrior. But alas, winning a kingdom and ruling a kingdom are rather different things.

是个厉害的人物 伟大的战士但可惜的是 打江山容易守江山难

They say that if a man goes through life with his battle visor down, he can often be blind to the enemies at his side. Now I serve his son King Joffrey,

人家说老罩着面甲过日子的人容易看不到身侧的敌人而现在 我辅佐他儿子乔佛里国王

May the gods bless his reign. He is a capable young man. Strong military mind. Stern.

愿诸神保佑他国泰民安他是个能干的年轻人 好战心强而且严厉

But sternness in defense of the realm is no vice. It's far too soon to know what manner of king he will be, but I sense true greatness on the horizon for our new king.

不过对保护王国而言 严厉不算缺点现在说他会成为怎样的国王 还为时尚早但我能预料到 这位新国王必有丰功伟绩

True greatness. So what's the thing? What thing?


About kings. You said, The thing you need to understand about kings. What? Things? What?

国王的事啊 你说 关于国王 你要知道的事 事情 什么事情
