《权力的游戏》精讲 第10集:血火同源(24)(在线收听

Don't look so terrified. If we beheaded everyone that ran away for the night, only ghosts would guard the Wall.


At least you weren't whoring in Mole's Town. Honor made you leave, honor brought you back.


My friends brought me back. I didn't say it was your honor.


They killed my father. And you're going to bring him back to life, are you? No? Good. We've had enough of that sort of thing.

他们杀害了我父亲 你有办法让他起死回生吗没有吧 很好这种怪事我们可不希望再有了

Beyond the Wall, the rangers are reporting whole villages abandoned. At night they see fires blazing in the mountains from dusk until dawn.


A captured wildling swears their tribes are uniting in some secret stronghold to,


What ends the gods only know. Outside Eastwatch Cotter Pyke's men discovered four blue-eyed corpses.

他们目的为何 只有天上诸神知道东海望外面卡特.派克的手下发现了四具蓝眼死尸

Unlike us, they were wise enough to burn them. Do you think your brother's war is more important than ours?

他们比我们聪明 直接就烧掉了你觉得你兄弟的战争比我们这场战争更重要吗

No. When dead men and worse come hunting for us in the night, do you think it matters who sits on the Iron Throne?

不 等哪天夜里 死人还有更邪乎的家伙大举入侵你觉得谁坐在铁王座上还有差别吗

No. Good. Because I want you and your wolf with us when we ride out beyond the Wall tomorrow.

没有 很好等我们明天越墙北进时我希望你和你那头狼与我们同在
