英国新闻听力 2015奥斯卡提名演员均为白人惹争议(在线收听

The head of the organization which chooses the Oscar contenders says there should be greater diversity among nominations after only white performers were nominated in the acting categories for this year. Keith Adams reports.

Cheryl Boone Isaacs, the first black woman to be President of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts said she was proud of the choices made this year. She said the Academy which votes for the nominees has made strides to diversify its membership and she looked forward to seeing greater cultural diversity among the nominees in the future. She also pointed out that “Selma” had been nominated for Best Picture, which she said would showcase the talent of all those in its production. The University of California’s Dr. Darnell Huntcoauthors the annual Hollywood Diversity Report.

The membership is overwhelmingly male, overwhelmingly white, overwhelmingly older.

A survey by the Los Angles Times in 2012 found the Academy was 94% white, mostly male with an average age of 62. It has seven thousand members and there is no requirement to retire. So building in more diversity could take some time.

That was Keith Adams. And there is a lot of response to that story on out website. You’ll find it at bbc.com/news and then go to the arts pages.

Are you getting enough sleep? Two separate reports this week here in Britain emphasize the value and beneficial effects of sleep. A team at Sheffield University working with colleagues in Germany have discovered that young children who have regular naps develop better memories. It may have implications too for some of us who are rather older. Meanwhile, police forces around the UK are reportedly taking part in the study to find out if sleep, breaks or naps during working hours can help staff work better and perform more effectively, especially those working overnight. Here is a sample of some expert opinion on the benefits of sleep and napping.

It’s very effective and actually increases productivity. And a nap like that, especially the organizationallows you to have a nap like this, is good for morale. And it also reduces absenteeism.

Most parents would think that the best time for children to learn is actually when they are wide awake. Our finding suggests that it’s actually at the time before they go to sleep that’s particularly valuable in terms of their learning.

It is worthwhile.

And we heard that from Dr. Jane Herbert, a sleep researcher at the University of Sheffield and Pro. Jim Hone, an expert at the sleep research center at Loughborough University. The song was “I’m so sleepy” performed by Cat Stevens. And that’s all from us for now.










