2021年经济学人 气候变化会否触发金融危机?(4)(在线收听

In its most severe scenario there was a sudden change in climate policy alongside rapid progress in renewable energy development, causing a “double shock” for companies and a severe recession.


Even then, banks’ capital ratios fell by about four percentage points.


That is sizeable, but still less than what the banks experienced in this year’s regular stress tests by the European Banking Authority, which they were deemed to pass.

这一数字着实不低,但它仍低于今年欧洲银行管理局(European Banking Authority)对银行进行的常规压力测试结果,它们获得了测试通过认可。

To what extent are these stress tests realistic?


Mark Campanale of Carbon Tracker is sceptical, pointing out that most firms are using out-of-date models.

碳追踪公司的Mark Campanale对此持怀疑态度,他指出大多数公司使用的都是过时的模型。

If auditors were ever to stress companies’ assets against a much lower oil price, the associated write-downs could trigger a collapse in investor sentiment of the sort regulators fear, he claims.


Nor do the stress tests include a full-blown Minsky crisis.


Yet in other respects they are conservative.


Most of the tests used an accelerated time frame—five years in the DNB and BdF cases—in effect assuming that firms are stuck with the balance-sheets they have today.


But it seems reasonable to think that banks and insurers will change their business models as the climate transition progresses, curbing the impact on the financial system.


The BdF ran a second exercise where firms were allowed to make realistic changes to their business models over 30 years.


Unsurprisingly, that allowed banks to sharply reduce lending to fossil-fuel sectors, and insurers to raise premiums.


Nonetheless, the stress tests reveal the importance of giving firms time to adapt.


And that makes a predictable path for government policy important.


The BdF found that credit losses were highest when policy was delayed and there was a sudden transition.


Perhaps the most plausible scenario in which climate change affects financial stability is one in which governments dawdle, and then have no choice but to take drastic action in the future.

