新奇事件簿 疫情爆发后 男性洗手次数增加(在线收听

The spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus has made more men wash their hands more often, especially after going to the toilet. A recent survey of 2,000 men in the UK found that 32 per cent of them did not wash their hands after using the toilet. However, social media reports that more men are washing their hands in public toilets since the outbreak of COVID-19. People on Twitter wrote that a month ago, it was unusual to see a man using the sinks in a public toilet. Since the outbreak, more men have been washing their hands in public toilets. Dan McCoy, a writer from New York, said: "For once, there are lines in men's restrooms as coronavirus makes men wash their hands for the first time."

随着COVID-19冠状病毒的传播,越来越多男性的洗手次数变得更多,尤其是在上完厕所后。对英国2000名男性的一项近期调查发现其中32%的人在用上厕所后不洗手。但社交媒体报道称自COVID-19爆发以来,在公厕里,有越来越多的男士在洗手。这条推文发表于一个月以前,在公厕看到男性洗手是一件不同寻常的事情。自疫情爆发以来,越来越多的男性都会在公厕洗手。来自纽约的作家Dan McCoy表示:“这一次,冠状病毒让男士们首次在卫生间里排队洗手。

Governments around the world have stressed the importance of regular handwashing. This is not just after using the bathroom but also throughout the day. Doctors say regular handwashing is the best way to stop the spread of the coronavirus. Health authorities in the UK and USA have told people to wash their hands for at least 20 seconds each time - or the time it takes to sing "Happy Birthday" twice. A caller into a UK radio station spoke about the first time he realised men were washing their hands. It was when he stopped at the toilets on a highway. He said: "There were eight sinks and men were washing their hands in all of them." He also said the men were spending a long time carefully washing their hands.

