《神探夏洛克》精讲 497你看上去好多了(在线收听

你看上去好多了  约翰

You seem so much better, John.

是啊  没错  我觉得是的

Yeah, I...I am. I think I am.

不是一直都好  不是每天都好  但好点了

Not all day, not every day, but, you know.

-事情就是这样  -对

- It is what it is? - Yeah.


And Rosie?

美丽  完美

Beautiful, perfect.


Unprecedented in the history of children.

不是我偏心  这是科学事实

That's not my bias - that's scientific fact.

-很好  夏洛克·福尔摩斯呢  -恢复正常了

- Good. And Sherlock Holmes? - Back to normal.


'Get out!'


She's possessed by the devil!

我发誓  我妻子撒旦附体了

I swear, my wife is channelling Satan!

无聊  走开

Yes, boring, go away!


I'm not channelling Satan!

为什么不呢  另一个选择不是更糟

Why not, given your immediately alternative?

-他哥哥呢  -麦考夫  他挺好

- What about his brother? - Mycroft? He's fine.

你要走了  我们一周后见

So, you're off now. I won't see you for a week?

-就是在家待着  除非她有事  -首相

- Just spending it at home. Unless she calls. - The PM.

-给  -是什么

- Here. - What's this?

-我的号码  -我已经有了

- My number. - I already have your number.

-我的私人号码  -我要那个干嘛

- My private number. - Why would I need that?

不知道  或许你什么时候想喝一杯

I don't know. Maybe you'd like a drink sometime.

-喝什么  -随你

- Of...what? - Up to you.


Call me.
