英国新闻听力 朝鲜宣布进入战时状态(在线收听

Greek President is due to begin asking opposition parties if they can form a new government, following the resignation on Thursday of the Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras.


Since none the party can command enough support in parliament, a process all but certain to end with another general election being called.


Mr. Tsipras said he was stepping down to allow voters to have their say on a bailout deal to reach with Greece's European creditors.


More from Kris Botlem in Athens.


The campaign is likely the future mostly battles between parties, but the great deal of in-fighting with in Syriza, the main governing party.


It's left wing MPs have been openly critical of the leader Mr. Tsipras and that rebellion that it forces Greece's second general election this year.


The North Korea leader Kim Jong-un has ordered his frontline troops to be on a war footing as attention with South Korea rised.


The two sides exchange fire on Thursday across their heavily fortified border.


Steve Evans is in Seoul. There is after a ritual of an aggression while fierce language escalates to the firing of live ammunition.


This time is different in that the the rhetoric is much fiercer than usual and its artillery shells.


The real flashpoint now is an automating from the north for the south to stop blasting anti-North Korea turmoil messages across the border.


A multiphase religions ceremony has been held at the Erawan Shrine in the Thai capital Bangkok where a bomb blasting on Monday killed 20 people.


The authorities have been critisized for giving conflicting message as who might be responsible for the attack.


The Peruvian congress has unanimously approved legislations that allows the country's airforce to shoot down small airplane suspected of carrying illegal drugs.


Peru is one of world's biggest producers of Coca leaves and cocaine. Here is the Patt Mugua.


The vote means the Peru now joins the neighbouring drug producers intransit nations including Columbia, Brazil, Venezuela and Bolivia.


In permitting plane to spect the carrier drug to be shot down.


It estimated that most of the Peru's cocaine is sent abroad in small planes up to 180 tons in the first 10 month of last year.


The US,which sponsores anti-drug programms in South American has opposed to attack the aircraft since plane carring American missionaries was mistakenly shot down in 2001.


Brazilian prosecutors filed the corruption and money laundary charges against the speaker of the lower house congress Eduardo Cunha.


He is accused of taking 5 million dollars in the bribes to secure contracts with the state oil company Petrobras.


Mr.Cunha denies the allegation and says they are politically motivated, he is an outspoken critic of President Dilma Rousseff government.


This is the latest world news from the BBC.


Researchers say the number of people living with dementia in parts of western Europe is levelling off.


A review of five major studies has found that there aren't as many cases as preditced when 20 and 30 years ago.


The finding suggests that improve life style in step to prevent heart disease may have had an impact on the number of cases.


Police in Denmarks say they are hunting for two thieves who walked out for Gopenhagen Museum with a renowned work of art without anybody noticing.


The theft after busts by the sculptor Auguste Rodin thought to be worth 300,000 dollars happened more than a month ago, but the footage of the audacious operation has just been released.John reports.


CCTV in Copenhagen's clip of footage shows two men dressd historians walking into the museum's Rodin room, removing the bust from its plinth and casually walking out.


The whole opeartion took just 12 minutes.


The busts known as The Man with the Broken Nose is part of the collection of the French artists works that the museum says it's unique outside France.


Denlish police say they believe the thieves visited the meseum a week before the theft in order to loosen the sculptures from its base and disabled the alarm.


Researchers in Canada say they have identified one of the key factors that has enabled humans to achieve their status as the world unique super-predator.


The study observed that humans focused heavily on killing adult prey with minimal risk.


The process enabled by technological advantages such as bullets, trapped hooks and nets.


Newzeland has halted a bird cull after huntsman mistakenly kill several members of a critically endangered species of which under 300 are left in the world.


Local hunters have been permitted to cull pukeko birds instead they shot four flightless takahe birds which have similar coloring but are twice the size. BBC news.

