英国新闻听力 瑞典学生成绩整体下滑(在线收听

Over the next few months, 15-year old pupils in more than 70 countries around the world will take part in a series of tests that will cover maths, science and reading skills. And they’ve been coordinated by the OECD. In the past, Sweden used to excel, but in recent years, the situation has changed. And its pupils’ performance in these tests has dropped faster than those of any other nation. The Swedish authorities have set up a commission to find out why.

Teenagers partying in Gothenburg’s main square. They are celebrating the end of their school days with a parade. But Sweden school system has less to shout about. It’s falling rapidly in the international tests in maths, science and reading, a decline that’s followed the reforms creating more choice and more competition with free schools setting up alongside municipal schools. Just down the road, the Swedish Education Minister is visiting a school. So where does the minister think the system began to lose its way?

We have pretty much of consensus, but everyone has their own explanation on which of these reforms in the late 80s and early 90s that was the most pragmatic.

This is a free school, one of 36 in Sweden. But since their reforms that allowed them to be set up, the gap between the best and worst schools in Sweden has widened. And when you look at those international test results, the falling standards has happened in all kinds of schools.

Choice, opportunity for parents to choose a school is really important. That will improve quality of all the schools where there is actually healthy competition.

They are testing model bridges they designed and built during the term. One by one, weights are added to a bridge until finally it collapses. This municipal school in Stockholm is putting more effort into science and maths. But finding teachers is hard.

Salary might have something to do with it. Workload, definitely. Teachers’ workload. They work so much. There is so much administration, which is true. And the debate about standards has left the schools weary. The head teacher here says maths is important. But she argues the OECD tests don’t give the whole picture.















