英语新闻听写 特斯拉将停售最便宜的车型(在线收听


Elon Musk announced that Tesla is retiring the cheapest versions of its Model S and X cars.

伊隆·马斯克宣布,特斯拉将裁掉价格最低的“Model S”和“Model X”这两款车型。

Musk made the announcement on Twitter and said that the deadline for the last orders of those models will be Monday, January 14.


According to Business Insider, the move is being made because Tesla wants to move away from defining their cars by the size of their batteries.

据“Business Insider”报道,之所以作出这一决定,是因为特斯拉不希望以电池的大小来定义它的汽车。

In September 2018, Musk also retired two of the seven color choices offered by Tesla.


The highly successful Tesla Model 3 will still be available for orders at a more affordable starting price of $35,000.

大受欢迎的特斯拉“Model 3”依然会接受订单,售价为更能负担得起的起步价35000美元。
