英语新闻听写 联想和谷歌合力推出智能时钟(在线收听


According to Business Insider, Google and Lenovo will release a new alarm clock this spring that can tell the time and weather as well as play podcasts and the news.

据“Business Insider”报道,谷歌和联想将在今年春天推出一款新闹钟,它能显示时间和天气以及播放播客和新闻。

The item was announced this week at the 2019 Consumer Electronics Show.


The touchscreen clock, which will cost $80, also gently wakes you up with animations.


In addition, the clock will offer alarm suggestions based on your everyday routine.


The Lenovo Smart Clock unfortunately can't play YouTube videos and doesn't have a camera.


Business Insider adds that the item is the first smart alarm clock with Google Assistant.

“Business Insider”补充道,该产品是第一个内置谷歌Assistant语音助手的智能闹钟。
