英语新闻听写 两起空难相似 波音股价暴跌(在线收听


According to Business Insider, Boeing shares lost another 3-percent after Ethiopian authorities said a recent plane crash had similarities to another crash five months ago.

据“Business Insider”报道,埃塞俄比亚当局称最近的飞机失事与五个月前的另一起空难有相似之处后,波音公司的股价又下跌了3%。

Two Boeing 737 Max aircraft crashed since October during take-off.

自10月份以来,两架波音737 Max飞机在起飞时坠毁。

Ethiopia's transport minister said that data recovered from Ethiopian Air Flight 302 had clear similarities to Indonesian Lion Air Flight 610.


Boeing's stock has retreated significantly since the crash of Flight 302 over a week ago, losing over 13-percent in the days after the crash.

