时差N小时 人类为什么会长痘痘?(上)(在线收听

One of the least pleasant things about being human is the appearance at adolescence of pimples.


Not only do they make their entrance just at the time when people are most self-conscious, but they come and go for the rest of your life.


It would almost be better to have a hairy face.


Ironically, the general covering of our bodies in hair---what we call "fur" on other animals---is at the root of our problem with acne.


In the course of evolution human beings lost their entirely hairy faces and now have a lot of exposed skin there: even a bearded man with bushy eyebrows has much of his face bare.


The structures in the facial skin that once gave rise to hair, however, have not disappeared entirely: many still contain tiny vestigial hairs which do not grow.

