英国新闻听力 俄欲与美联手打击叙反叛分子 美体操女将西蒙强势扫4金(在线收听

Russian bomber plans have begun using an airbase in Iran to launch strikes against rebel groups in Syria. It's the first time Russian forces have been deployed in Iran since they occupied it during the Second World War. Until now Moscow has launched attacks from inside Syria all from Russia itself. Russia said it's discussed with the United States whether to implement a deal that would lead to coordinated military action in Syria. There has been no comment from Washington. One of Britain's most infamous radical preachers, Anjem Choudary has been found guilty of encouraging support for the Islamic State militants group. Counter-terrorism chief said he spent almost 20 years trying to bring Choudary to trial, accusing him of radicalizing young people. Nine African Union peacekeepers have been jailed for running a fueled rocket in Somalia. The African Union missions and the soldiers, all of them from Uganda, had been sentenced after trial by a military court. Police in Zambia said they've arrested 150 opposition demonstrators following protests that broke out after President Edgar Lungu was declared the winner in a closely contested election. Protesters have blocked roads and burned tires in parts of southern Zambia.

In a scathing report, a UN-appointed panel has accused the authorities in Bahrain of carrying out a systematic campaign of harassment against the country's Shia Muslim population. It says groundless accusations have been used to target people on the basis of their religion. The former head of world football's governing body, FIFA, Jean Havelange has died at the age of 100. He was credited with transforming football into a multibillion dollar global enterprise. But he was also accused of corruption. At the Rio Olympics, the US gymnast, Simone Biles, has claimed a fourth gold medal of the games, winning the women's floor final. And the one too for the United States the reigning champion, Aly Raisman, took the silver. Russia won the women synchronized swimming duet for the fifth successive games. 

俄罗斯轰炸机已动用伊朗的空军基地来对叙利亚的反叛组织进行袭击。此次为俄罗斯在二战期间占领伊朗后第一次在伊朗部署军力。目前为止,叙利亚进行的攻击均系俄方所为。俄方表示,已与美方讨论过是否合作对叙利亚采取军事行动。目前还未得到美方回复。英国最臭名昭著的极端牧师Anjem涉嫌为伊斯兰国极端组织造势。反恐官员表示,在过去的20年中,它都试图以怂恿年轻人极端化的罪名将Anjem绳之以法。9名非洲联盟维和人员因在索马里启动装有燃料的火箭而锒铛入狱。在某军事法庭庭审后,这9名来自非洲联盟的乌干达士兵都被判入狱。赞比亚警方表示,继Edgar在竞争激烈的总统选举中脱颖而出后, 抗议不断。目前警方已逮捕了150名反对派示威者。抗议者堵塞了多条马路,并烧毁了赞比亚南部部分地区的车辆轮胎。在一篇言辞犀利的报告中,某联合国指派的团队指控巴林岛当局对什叶派穆斯林进行系统化的骚扰。报告称,巴林岛当局的指控毫无根据,仅仅因为什叶派的宗教信仰而对其攻击。国际足联前主席阿维兰热去世,享年100岁。阿维兰热曾因将足球塑造为价值连城的全球性事业而刘明史册。但也曾被指控涉嫌贪污。里约奥运会上,美国体操选手西蒙获得第四枚金牌,至此获得体操赛事里最后一个奖项的金牌。而同赛事的卫冕冠军阿里摘得银牌。俄罗斯连续五届获得女子双人花样游泳金牌。
