英国新闻听力 慈善救助精神病患者(在线收听

In the African state of Benin, mental illness is still often associated with witch craft and evil spirits. For over 30 years with his charity, a 65-year old mechanic has helped thousands of West Africans affected by mental illness. This report from Benin on the challenges of caring for the mentally ill was compiled by Lola.

They sound like two friends meeting up after a while. We are in a small house.

We’ve had to lock him up because he disturbed people and they come to ours to complain. Sometimes, he attacks people in the street, saying they’ve taken something of his. I’m just overwhelmed by all this.

We do a unique work.

After his business went bust, he sank into depression, and that’s why he says he found God, or rather that God found him.

Mental patients here are considered to be possessed by the devil or victims of witch craft. That’s why we go out to explain to people that mental illness is neither of these things, the same way that your heart can fall sick, the brain can fall sick and you have to treat it.

Just getting here can be a very long road. In Benin, when someone becomes ill, their families first instinct is rarely to go straight to a hospital. 80% of people here resort to traditional healers. For the past five years, authorities have been strengthening their efforts to regulate them.

Cheap treatment, a very humane approach, and a staff only made up of former patients. Those are the keys to the success. Still, the association has attracted criticism.

At the beginning, there was not enough medical care. Yes, they had medicine, but no real psychiatrists. For me, that’s a problem.

There are only around a dozen psychiatrists in the whole of Benin, a country of almost ten million people and half the size of the United Kingdom.

I always give myself up to God’s will.

Now for those of you planning a hiking holiday to Mars, you will be pleased to hear that the British mapping agency Ordnance Survey has come up with a helpful map of the terrain there. It’s the first time that OS has produced a map of another planet. But why Mars?

Ordnance Survey is involved in many cutting edge projects. And so we were approached because of our expertise in location, intelligence and data.













