英语新闻听写 特朗普美联储提名计划引发担忧(在线收听

According to a report by Markets Insider, President Donald Trump's plan to nominate Stephen Moore and Herman Cain to the Federal Reserve

根据Markets Insider网站报道,唐纳德·特朗普总统计划提名斯蒂芬·摩尔和赫尔曼·凯恩进入美联储,

has sparked concerns that the central bank's independence would be compromised.


Markets Insider suggests that political interference in monetary policy could lead to high levels of inflation or unemployment.

Markets Insider网站认为,对货币政策的政治干预可能引发高通胀或高失业率。

Central banks play a critical role in guiding global expectations for the economy,


particularly in the face of the uncertainty associated with looming recessions.


Ryan Sweet, an economist at Moody's Analytics, reportedly said,


"If a recession does occur in the next year or so, we have a little bit more firepower than other central banks."

