英语新闻听写 中飞租赁搁置100架波音客机订单(在线收听

Reuters reports China Aircraft Leasing Group Holdings has put its order for 100 Boeing 737 MAX jets on hold, until it is assured of the aircraft's safety.

据路透社报道,中国飞机租赁集团控股有限公司已暂时搁置其100架波音737 MAX客机订单,直至能确保飞机的安全。

The Hong Kong-listed lessor, which is controlled by the state-owned conglomerate China Everbright Group, placed an order for 50 aircraft in June 2017 and later expanded the order.


The first MAX jet was expected to be delivered in the third quarter, according to the report.

据报道,第一架737 MAX系列客机预计于今年第三季度交付。
