英国新闻听力 蓝月亮钻石以创纪录拍卖(在线收听

Hello, I am Stuart Mackintosh with the BBC news.

The Russian president Vladimir Putin said his country must do everything it can to eradicate the problem of doping in sport. He was making his first comment since the World Anti-doping Agency released a report on Monday outlining what it called a state-supported program of cheating in Russian athletics. Richard Conway reports.

“In the immediate aftermath of the highly critical WADA report into doping, Russian authorities reacted by saying the allegation was fictional. But a distinct change of tone is now evident, with the country’s president Vladimir Putin pledging full cooperation with anti-doping organizations and promising an internal inquiry. Mr Putin argues that the responsibility for cheating in sport is not just a problem for his country, and that clean athletes shouldn’t be punished because of the crime of those who've doped.

African leaders attending a summit in Malta with their European counterparts have criticized what they called Europe’s fortress approach to the flow of African migrants reaching its shores. The European Commission has offered 2 billion dollars to enable African governments to make improvements that would discourage Africans from making the perilous journey across the Mediterranean. But president Mahamadou Issoufou of Niger says that it is not nearly enough. “It is part of the solution. It is true that Europe is proposing the creation of our fund at the cost of 2 billion Euros. This is not sufficient to deal with such a big problem. Other donors can contribute to the fund. But all that does not seem to me to be enough. What’s necessary is a new marshal plan in order to confront the problem of immigration. ”

A Kenyan pressure group, Journalists for Justice has accused the Kenyan military of involvement in the illegal trades and human right abuses in Somalia. The Kenyan military has been operating in Somalia since 2011 when they try to drive Islamist militants from the border areas. Mary Harper reports.

“The report says the Kenyan defense force makes about 15 million dollars a year from taxing choc as it leaves Somalia and sugar as it comes in. They also enable al shabaab to keep making money, as it, too, taxes choc and sugar coming in and out in the areas at their controls. The Kenyan military has denied the allegations. ”

France has drafted a UN Security Council resolution on Burundi to be presented on Thursday calling for an increased international presence on the ground, possibly including a peace-keeping force. It follows talks by French, British and US diplomats on how to respond if the current wave of political violence in Burundi spirals into a full-scale ethnic conflict.

A Scottish nurse who recovered from catching Ebola while working in Sierra Leon only to suffer a relapse,has staged a recovery for the second time. Pauline Cafferkey has been released from an isolation unit at a London hospital.

You are listening to the latest world news coming to you from the BBC.

Amnesty International says police in China are continuing to use torture to extract confessions from suspects despite having promised reforms. It based its finding on interview of nearly 40 lawyers who said the methods, including beatings, sleep deprivation and torture chairs.

The Indian prime minister Narendra Modi arrived in Britain today for a two-day visit which is expected to secure trade deals worth billions of dollars. It is the first visit by Indian prime minister to Britain for nearly a decade.

A regional government of Catalonia has said it will push ahead with a resolution to break away from Spain despite a suspension of the secession process by the constitutional court. Early the court agreed to hear the Spanish government’s appeal against the motion. David Bamford reports.

“Supporting Catalonia for breaking away from Spain has been growing, and it reached a high point this week when the Catalonia parliament passed a motion to create a independent state within 18 months. That has prompted the Madrid government to appeal to the constitutional court to intervene. The court has now agreed to hear Madrid’s case, in effect suspending Catalonia’s plans and warning its officials of legal action if they disobey. But the Catalans are defiant. Their regional government has said it’s going to press on regardless, setting the scene for future confrontation with Madrid.”

Astronomers say they have identified the most distant object yet in the solar system, the icy rocky body of some 15 billion kilometers from the Sun, about three times further away than even distant Pluto. Scientists will need to track it further to learn the shape and extent of its orbit. They say it could be a miniature planet.

And a rare blue-moon diamond, weighing over 12 carats was sold in an auction in Geneva for 48.5 million dollars. The auction house Sotheby's said it was a world record price for a gemstone at auction.

大家好,我是Stuart Mackintosh,为您报道BBC新闻。

俄罗斯总统普京表示,俄国将尽最大努力根除体育比赛中存在的兴奋剂问题。这是自世界反兴奋剂机构周一发布报告概述俄罗斯运动员中存在国家支持的作弊现象之后普京首次发表评论。Richard Conway报道。


与欧洲同僚一起在马耳他参加峰会的非洲领导人们批评了他们所说的欧洲对抵达其海岸线的非洲移民采取的堡垒政策。欧洲委员会提供了20亿美元,使非洲政府能够做出改善,让非洲人不再跋山涉水穿过地中海前往欧洲国家。但是尼日尔总统马哈马杜·伊素福(Mahamadou Issoufou)表示,这并不够。“这只是解决方案的一部分。欧洲确实提议成立20亿欧元的基金。然而这对于解决如此大的问题来说是不够的。其他捐赠者也可以向该基金捐赠。但是对我来说,所有这些都是不够的。制定新的马歇尔计划来解决移民问题非常必要。”

肯尼亚一个压力组织,记者正义组织指控肯尼亚军队参与索马里的非法贸易,并践踏人权。自2011年试图将伊斯兰激进分子驱逐出边境地区以来,肯尼亚军队一直在索马里行动。Mary Harper报道。



在塞拉利昂工作时感染埃博拉病毒后康复,随后又复发的苏格兰护士第二次康复。Pauline Cafferkey已经从伦敦一家医院的隔离中心出院。




加泰罗尼亚地方政府表示,他们将继续推行从西班牙独立的决议,尽管宪法法庭暂停了脱离过程。早些时候,法庭同意听取西班牙政府反对该行动的诉求。David Bamford报道。



