2021年经济学人 高通胀下一些落后国家还好吗(下)(在线收听

The sinking currency, by raising the cost of imports, has helped push up inflation by about eight percentage points over the past year, to a rate around four times the central bank’s target.


Brazil demonstrates how inflation can get out of hand despite the best efforts of a central bank, because of fiscal woes.


After suffering hyperinflation in the early 1990s, when the annual inflation rate approached 3,000%, Brazil placed itself on a firmer macroeconomic footing by adopting budget reforms and enhancing the central bank’s independence.


But from 2014 to 2016, and again over the past year, the ability of the central bank to fight inflation has been threatened by an erosion of confidence in the public finances.


Government spending in Brazil has surged since the onset of the pandemic.


Jair Bolsonaro, the president, plans to extend relief payments despite roaring inflation.


Worries about debt sustainability have reduced investors’ confidence, leading to falling asset prices and a weaker currency.


Despite booming foreign demand for Brazil's commodity exports, the real has tumbled by nearly 30% since the beginning of 2020.


Higher import prices have contributed to stubbornly high inflation, forcing the central bank to raise its benchmark interest rate by nearly six percentage points since March.


Yet interest rates may be approaching levels at which the additional fiscal cost they impose on the government exacerbates debt-sustainability worries and further weakens the currency, leaving the central bank in a no-win situation.


The real has dropped by nearly 2.5% since late October alone—after the central bank raised interest rates by a full 1.5 percentage points and promised to do the same again at its next meeting in December.


What happens if neither monetary nor fiscal policy can be counted upon for economic discipline?


Here Argentina provides an illustration.


The government has long relied on the printing press to cover budget deficits, and has been in particular need of monetary financing since defaulting on its debt, for the ninth time in its history, in May 2020.


Over the past two years the amount of money in circulation has risen at an average annual rate of more than 50%.


The peso has fallen by over 60% against the dollar since the beginning of last year.


Argentina, like Brazil, has experienced hyperinflation in recent times.


Its economic situation may yet be salvaged.


But as policymakers in rich and poor countries alike confront the enormous economic and budgetary costs of covid-19, some may be tempted to depart from norms around monetary and fiscal policy.


The result, in some unhappy places, could be inflation that is too hot to handle.

