英国新闻听力 英国女王庆祝90岁生辰(在线收听

A court in Norway has upheld a claim of inhumane treatment brought by the mass murderer Anesh Brawick who killed 77 people in a gun and bomb rampage five years ago.


He had claimed that his detention and solitary confinement was a violation of European Convention on Human Right.


Tom Christinson is a reporter with Norway's national broadcast NRK, he says many people are astonished by the verdict,

Tom Christinson是挪威国家广播电台NRK的记者,他表示,许多人对该判决感到震惊。

The survivors from Utaya who were part of this massacre, they are shocked.


The prosecutors say that they would appeal to next high court because they are very surprised. He has won over the government.


The United States supreme court has ruled that the frozen Iranian assets worth more than two billion dollars must be handed over to relatives of people killed in attacks blamed on groups backed by Teheran.


More than 1000 Americans are affected by the decision which related mainly to the 1983 Hazbola bombing of Quess Murren barracks in Beirut, 241 Murrens were klled in the attack.


Russia has announced moves designed to convince the governing body of World Dafletics, the IAAF that its athletes should be allowed to compete in the Rio Olympics later this year.


The sports administer said all those intending to take part in the games must undergo three independent anti-doping tests in advance,


this would be in addition to existing controls. Two foreign experts are also be granted full access to the Russian anti-doping agency in Moscow.


The first criminal charges has been filed in the US state of Michigan in connection with the contamination of the water supply with led in the city of Flint.


Three officials have been charged with the offences including tempering with evidence, conspiracy and misconduct in office, Gary O'Donoghue reports.

三名官员被控告篡改证据,阴谋和渎职罪。Gary O'Donoghue报道。

In 2014, the city of Flint switched its water supply from Lake Huron to the local Flint river, in a money saving exercise.


Immediately, residents began complainning the quality,


it took 18 months for the Michigan authorities to acknowlege the problems, leading to accusations that residents of Flint were ignored, because they are largely poor and black.


But state and local officials face a number of investigations. And Michigan's attorney general Bill Shuety, has promised to leave no stone unturned and more charges are expected shortly.

但是州政府和当地官员面临一系列调查。密歇根检查总长Bill Shuety承诺将想法设法解决这一问题,很快将提起更多控告。

An escaped slave who freed hundreds of people from bondage is to be the face of redesigned 20 dollar bill in US. James Cook has the details.

帮助数百人摆脱奴隶制的女奴的头像将出现在新版20美元钞票上。James Cook报道详细内容。

Harriet Tubman was an American hero, a former slave who braved pedals to help hundreds of others to folow her path to freedom, at first be a secret network known as the underground railroad, and then as the union spy in the civil war.

塔布曼(Harriet Tubman)是一位美国英雄,她以前曾是一名奴隶,勇敢地帮助数百名奴隶重获自由。她先是在一个名为“地下铁路”的反奴隶制秘密网络工作,内战时期成为联邦间谍。

After the war, Ms Tubman who struggled in poverty into her end of life fought for women suffrage.


She replaces the slave owning president Andrew Jackson on the front of the 20 dollar bill although he will continue to feature on the back.


World news from the BBC.


Peace talks aimed at ending the conflict in Yemen are due to start in Kuwait on Thursday.


The UN bokered talk has been expected to start on Monday but were delayed when the Houthi Rebels failed to appear,angry about this side work cease fire violations.


The United Nations has began to evacuate hundreds of wounded or sick people in their families from four besieged Syrian towns.


Two of the towns Sadani and Madaya have been blocaded by pro-government forces. The others Alfua and Kefaria in Idlib province are surrounded by Islamist Rebel groups.


The governmnent of El Salvador says it has deployed a new heavy-armed unit to fight the country's mantarious criminal gangs which too started operating in rural areas.


The special force of thousands of soldiers and police will operate with helicopters and cars and soft wings.


The minister of defence says they will target about 100 gang leaders who had left the cities because of government raze.


El Salvador has one of the highest murder rate in the world.


The United States has become the latest country to open a criminal investigation into the leak of Panama papers.


It's emerged that a New York district attorney has asked to discuss the documents with the consortium or journalist which disclosed them.


The leaked documents have revailed the existence of offshore companies set up by a number of rich and powerful people including several international leaders.


Queen Elizabeth is celebrating her 90th birthday on Thursday,three photographs of the Monarch taken by Anney Liberfeith have been released to mark the occasion.

周四,伊丽莎白女王庆祝90岁生辰。随后公布了Anney Liberfeith拍摄的三张照片。

Our royal correspondent Peter Hunt reports.

皇家通讯员Peter Hunt报道。

After celebrating, her silver, golden and diamondgelese the now 90 year old longest running monarch in British History who go and walk about in Windsor and light a beacon.


As she enters her 10th decade, Buckingham Palace has released three pictures taken by the American photigrapher Annie Leibovitz,

女王已进入耄耋之年,白金汉宫发布了她的三张照片,由美国摄影师Annie Leibovitz拍摄,

the Queen captured with her Corgis, with her daughter Ann and with two of her grandchildren and her five great grandchildren.

