英语新闻听写 坠机事故致使波音4月零订单(在线收听

According to CNN, Boeing received no new orders for commercial jets in April.


A report from the company indicated that it's last order was placed on March 22nd, almost two weeks after a Boeing jetliner crashed in Ethiopia.


The fabled 737 MAX was internationally grounded two months ago due to the crash in Ethiopia, which marked the second crash of a Boeing jetliner in five months.

由于埃塞俄比亚的坠机事件,充满传奇色彩的737 MAX客机两个月前在世界各地停飞,这是波音客机五个月内发生的第二起坠机事故。

After the crash, new orders for the 737 MAX dried up, but Boeing has not received new orders for their other commercial jets in over a month.

坠机事故发生后,737 MAX的新订单便消失了,而波音的其他商业飞机也有一个多月没有接到新订单。

The last orders Boeing received are dated in mid-March, including twenty 787 jets for Lufthansa, and eighteen 777X jets for British Airways.

