英国新闻听力 美国欲向叙利亚增兵250人(在线收听

US official say that President Barack Obama is to send 250 additional military personnel to Syria to support local militias in the fight against Islamic state group. According to the officials, the main objective is to encourage more fighters in northeastern Syria. From Washington, here is Laura Bicker. This is a significant expansion of troops by a president who's been reluctant to send US boots to Syria, 50 members of the special operation's forces were sent last year to help in the fight against the Islamic state and now US officials have confirmed that further 250 military personnel will be deployed. Mr. Obama is expected to make the announcement after talks in Hannover in Germany. The US along with the coalition of allies began air campaign against IS in Syria in 2014 September, what the strikes rely on troops on the ground, mostly Kurdish fighters, to help identify potential targets.

A panel of international experts investigating the disappearance of 43 Mexican trainee teachers in 2014 has said the government of Enrique Pena Nieto hampered its enquiries. In the final report, the experts dismissed official conclusions that the trainee teachers after they were arrested following a protest in the city of Iguala were handed over to a criminal gang by corrupt police.

The candidate of Austria's far-right Freedom Party Norbert Hofer has won the first round of the presidential election. He will face an independent candidate supported by the Greens Alexander Van der Bellen in the run-off vote next month. Speaking on Austrian Television, Mr. Hofer said he was confident he would win the run-off. I think it's possible to convince many to vote for me again in the second round and I can reiterate that the president has to represent all Austrians, but that does not mean I will discard my principles. It is very clear I have my position and I will stick to them.

Serbia center-right Progressive Parties won the country's parliamentary election. Preliminary results suggest it gained almost 50% of the vote representing an endorsement of its pro-EU stance. Guy De Launey in Belgrade has more. It'sa major victory for Mr. Vucic and his progressives. He said the results shows trong support for democracy, reforms and EU integration. The center-left were the big losers. The Democratic Party governed Serbia for more than a decade.This time it barely passed the 5% threshold to enter parliament. The far-right fared better. Two nationalist movements passed the threshold, but they'll have little influence on the government and may simply allow Mr. Vucic to strengthen his credentials as the only choice for moderates at home and abroad. BBC news.

Fighting is continuing to escalate in the Syrian city of Aleppo. At least 26 people were killed there by Syrian government air strikes and rebel shelling. Activists say 12 people, including several children, were killed during an attack on a food and vegetable market in an area of Aleppo controlled by the rebels.

Yemeni government forces have advanced into the southern city of Mukalla which has been in the hands of Al-Qaeda militants for the past year. The military said the rebels had withdrawn from the port city which had been an important source of income.

The Brazilian government says last year it managed to repatriate 125 million dollars siphoned off to foreign bank accounts by corrupt officials, politicians and businessmen. Brazil's Justice Ministry said this was eight times more than had been recovered over the precious decade. Much of the money had been siphoned off from the state oil company Petrobras which has been the subject of one of the biggest corruption scandals in Brazilian history.

The Congolese singer Papa Wemba has died after collapsing on stage during a performance in Ivory Coast. He was 66. Julian Bedford assesses his life and legacy. In the 1980s, Soukous became the dominant sound of African music and one of its pioneers and most gifted exponents was Papa Wemba. With his bands Zaiko Langa Langa and Viva La Musica, Papa Wemba took soukous from the suburbs of Kinshasa right across the continent. At times, he caught in controversy serving a prison sentence in what was then known as 'Zaire' allegedly for sleeping with the general's daughter and later in Belgium for involvement in a people smuggling network, but he will be remembered best for his music. BBC news.








刚果歌手帕帕·文巴在科特迪瓦演唱会猝死。享年66岁。请听朱利安·贝尔福德的报道。20世纪80年代,索克斯成为非洲主流音乐,而索克斯代表人物之一要数极具天赋的帕帕·文巴。通过“Zaiko Langa”和“Viva La Musica”乐队,文巴将索克斯从金沙萨郊区带到了全非洲。据称他曾因与将军女儿苟且而在刚果(旧称为扎伊尔)入狱,还曾因卷入偷渡网在比利时服刑,但他的音乐将久久被人们所铭记。BBC新闻。
