英国新闻听力 委内瑞拉推出一周两天工作制(在线收听

Donald Trump has said he now considers himself the Republican Party's presumptive nominee for the American presidency.

唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)表示,他认为自己已经成为美国总统共和党准提名人。

He won in all five northeastern states holding primary elections on Tuesday. Nick Bryant is at the Trump campaign headquarters in New York.

他在周二举行初选的所有五个东北部州的选举中获胜。Nick Bryant在纽约特朗普竞选中心报道。

Mr Donald J. Trump.


With five big wins in five northeastern states, Donald Trump described himself as the presumptive nominee, a boxer as he put it, who just knocked out his opponent and didn't need to await the decision for the referee.

在五个东北部州初选中赢得重大胜利,唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)称自己成为准提名人,就像他自己说的,是一名击败所有对手,不需等待裁判裁决的拳击手。

But he still needs to win slightly more than half of the remaining delegates to secure the Republican nomination.


And his rivals are working together to block his path in upcoming contest such as Indiana next week, a do-or-die moment perhaps for the 'Stop Trump' forces.


The billionaire seemed to be looking towards the presidential election, attacking the likely Democratic nominee, who he has taken to calling 'Crooked Hillary'.


'Well I think the only card she has is the women's card. She has got nothing else going. And frankly, if Hillary Clinton were a man, I don't think she will get 5 percent of the vote.'


The former Secretary of State beat Bernie Sanders in 4 out of 5 contests, so opening up an insurmountable lead.

这位前国务卿在五场选举中赢得了四场,击败了伯尼·桑德斯(Bernie Sanders),以绝对优势领先。

And she calls the Democrats to come together around her candidacy. Nick Bryant.

她呼吁民主党人团结起来为她争取候选人资格。Nick Bryant报道。

The Venezuelan government has imposed a two-day working week for 2 million public sector workers, an temporary measure to help the country overcome a serious energy crisis.


Leonardo Rocha reports.

Leonardo Rocha报道。

Venezuela is facing a major draught which has dramatically reduced water levels at the country's main hydroelectric dam Guri.


The government has already adopted a number of measures to try to deal with the crisis, including putting the clock forward by half an hour to reduce demands for electricity in the early evening.


President Nicolas Maduro says Venezuela has been badly hit by the El Nino weather phenomenon but the opposition accused his government of mismanaging the situation.

委内瑞拉总统马杜罗(Nicolas Maduro)表示,委内瑞拉受到厄尔尼诺现象的严重影响,但是反对者指控他的政府对形势处理不当。

The US technology giant Apple has seen its first fall in quarterly revenue since 2003.


Apple sales dipped by more than a quarter in China, its most important market after the United States. More from our technology correspondent Rory Cellan-Jones.

苹果在中国的销量下跌了超过四分之一,这是仅次于美国的第二大市场。我们的科技通讯员Rory Cellan-Jones报道更详细内容。

Over the last 13 years, a series of ground-breaking products have pushed Apple's sales ever higher and it's grown into the world's most valuable company but now that romp has come to an end.


Sales in the last three months were down 12 percent on the same period last year with profits also lower.


The main reason was that sales at the iPhone appeared to have pit. It was always going to be hard to beat results which benefit it from a big surge in Chinese sales in 2015.


But investors are getting increasingly anxious about the lack of a new blockbuster product to follow the iPhone.


World news from the BBC.


The United States director of National Intelligence has said he's right about what he called a fundamental conflict between the free movement of people across the European Union and the need for national security.


Speaking to journalists in the US, James Clapper said the IS group have taken advantage of the migrant crisis and free movement to extend its reach in Europe.

在美国接受记者采访时,詹姆斯·克拉珀(James Clapper)表示,伊斯兰国激进组织利用移民危机和人员的自由流动拓展在欧洲的势力范围。

Papua New Guinea says it will close a controversial Australian detention center for asylum-seekers located on Manus Island.

巴布亚新几内亚表示它将关闭位于马努斯岛(Manus Island)一座有争议的澳大利亚寻求收容者拘留中心。

The decision follows a ruling by Papua New Guinea's Supreme Court. It said the facility breached the country's constitution.


The Election Commission of the government in exile of Tibet which is based in India has announced that his current leader Lobsang Sangay has been reelected for a second 5-year term of office.


The pose was created in 2011 when the Dalai Lama stepped down from his former political roles. Jill McGivering reports.

这种形势出现在2011年达赖喇嘛下台之后。Jill McGivering报道。

Lobsang Sangay is a Harvard-educated lawyer who was born in India to refugees.


He said he'd never expected to win office the first time round but his reappointment was predicated.


He is a moderate voice favoring the so-called middle way, using dialogue and non-violence to pursue a goal of autonomy within China, similar to that of Hong Kong and Macao.


That won't be easy. China refuses to engage with the government in exile and there is growing concern about the pressure on Tibetan monasteries and the erosion of Tibetan culture.


North Korea has announced that his ruling Workers' Party will hold its first congress in nearly 40 years next month.


The gathering will be closely watched for signs of major policy shifts or comment on North Korean's nuclear program.


A veteran campaigner for human rights in China Harry Wu has died on holiday in Honduras aged 79.


His lifelong efforts to expose human rights abuses resulted in years in Chinese labor camps. And much later he was deported.

