英国新闻听力 特朗普有望与希拉里终极对决(在线收听

Ted Cruz has pulled out the race for the US presidency clearing the way for Donald Trump tobecome the Republican Party's nominee. Mr. Cruz made the announcement shortly afterbecame clear that he’d lost the state primary in Indiana. Mr. Cruz told supporters he gave thecampaign everything he had. From the beginning, I've said that I would continue on as long asthere was a viable pass to victory. Tonight, I am sorry to say it appears that pass has been full-closed and so with a heavy heart, we are suspending our campaign. At a victory rally, DonaldTrump paid tribute to the Texas senator despite trending insult with Mr.Cruz hours earlier. We have a tremendous victory tonight, it was a tremendous victory. Ted Cruz, I don't know ifhe likes me or he doesn't like me, but he is one hell of competitor. He is a tough, smart guyand he has got an amazing future. Donald Trump said his aim was now to defeat theDemocratic Party front-runner Hillary Clinton in November. Here is our North America editorJon Sopel. A massive victory declared Donald Trump and for once the billionaire showmanwasn't engaging in hype, a property tycoon, who never held any elected office, is nowborrowing something totally unforeseen, the Republican nominee for the presidential electionin November. It's been a brutal bare knuckle fight with a lot of harsh words traded. Now Mr. Trump must build bridges and try to unite the Republican Party behind him. That will be noeasy task. In the Democratic Party primary in Indiana, Bernie Sanders has narrowly beatenHillary Clinton. The result does little to affect Mrs. Clinton's lead in the overall race and sheremains the clear front-runner to secure her party's nomination.

The Canadian authorities have ordered the evacuation of the entire population of a city in theprovince of Alberta because of a huge wild fire. Mandatory of evacuations will affect at least 60000 residents of Fort McMurray. Lee Carter reports from Toronto. Fire officials and residentswere taken by surprise of the speed and ferocity of the fire which spread suddenly throughthe city located near oil fields in the western province Alberta. Residents spoke of only havingseconds to leave their burning homes and not being allowed to take their belongings with them. The Canadian militaries poised to help fight the fires. Alberta is no stranger to wild fires, butalready this is the largest wild fire of evacuation in the Canadian province's history. You arelistening to the latest world newsfrom the BBC.

The corruption scandal which has caused months of upheavals in Brazilian politics hasdeepened with a call for new investigations into top politicians. The attorney general hasaccused the former president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva of playing a key role in the diversion offunds from the state controlled oil company Petrobras. He also asked the Supreme Court toinvestigate President Rousseff for alleged obstruction of justice.

A parliamentary committee in Britain has called for an inquiry into whether British weaponshave been used against civilians in Yemen in breach of humanitarian law. The InternationalDevelopment Committee suggested that arm sales to Saudi Arabia should be suspended untilthe allegations had been investigated. James Landale reports. For more than a year now, coalition of Saudi-led forces has launched air strikes against targets in Yemen, its aim to oustthe Iranian backed rebels who seized power in 2014. The UN says more than 3000 civilians havedied and more than 5000 to be injured. The International Development Committee said therewas convincing evidence that both sides have breached international humanitarian law forindiscriminate bombing that failed to protect civilians. The MPs said the allegation should belooked at by independent investigators.

Islamist Militants in the Philippines have threatened to kill three more hostages if theirdemands are not met. The captives, from Norway, Canada and Philippines,appeal to theirgovernments for help in a video. They’re surrounded by heavily armed gunmen from the AbuSayyaf separatist group.

A prominent Jewish refugee who fled Nazi Germany for Britain as a child has written to thePrime Minister David Cameron urging him to accept 3000 Syrian child refugees. The childrenare unaccompanied and currently held in refugee camps in Europe. In his letters, Eric Reichsays it is incumbent on us to provide sanctuary to those in need. MPs of Westminster will voteon the issue again next week. BBC news.






