英国新闻听力 英国离开欧盟将影响国际地位(在线收听

A man said to be the next president of the Philippines is considering a wide-spread changes to the country's constitution. As spokesman from Rodrigo Duterte says that as a president, the controversial former mayor would correct what he called the failure of the presidential form of government and move towards a parliamentary system. From Manila, this is Jonason Head.

Rodrigo Duterte, a man dubbed by his rival as an executioner who would bring terror to the Philippines has won the presidency by a huge margin, polling nearly twice as many votes as his nearest challenger. But what he does with the job is less clear. His blunt promise to sweep away criminals and corrupt officials won him the backing of millions of Philippinoes weary of an ineffective governments. But he has so far offered few policy details, although the spokesman for him has already pledged a radical overhaul of the political system.

Britian has been warned that its international standing will be diminished if it chose to leave the European Union. In the letter to the Times Newspaper, 13 former US defence secretaries and foreign policy chiefs said Britian and Europe would lose influence in foreign policy and international trade. John Soaper reports.

The signatures to this letter have a 40 years being the pillars of American foreign policy, intelligence and defence communities. That they should come together like this, Republicans and Democrats, underlines the deep concern felt in the US establishment about the possibility of Britian leaving the EU. They say that the EU case placed influence in the world would be diminished and that Europe would be dangerously weakened. They also warned the special relationship with the US would not compensate for the loss of plat and influence that Britian would suffer if it left the EU.

A new report on the status of the world plants says that more than 2000 new species were discovered last year alone, including orchid, three meters tall. Here is Rebecca Merail.

This new stocktakes suggests that there are now 391,000 plants known to science, but there was that such as a cute garden say this maybe a faction of what's there. The report warns that one in five of all plant species is under threat, from vulnerable climate change, habitat loss or disease. the scientist also say there are now 5000 invasive species around the world including Plants like Japanese Nort Weed that putting native flora of risk.

Scientists in the United States are warning that the shortage of yello fever vaccine could spark a health security crisis and urging the world health organization to take emergent steps to prevent it. Two professors from Georgeton University say an outbreak of yello fever in Angola which has killed more than 250 people could spread to other countries. Earlier this year, the WHO reported a global yello fever vaccine shortage, saying the emergency stockpile is completely depleted.

World News from the BBC.

The primere of Alberta is described as a miracle for mass evacuation of the Canadian city ravaged by a vast wildfire. Rachel Notley was speaking of the visiting the oil town, Fort McMurray from which 88,000 residents eacaped last week. Laura Baker is there.

The fire has been brutal. Some of the neighborhood has been reduced to a mass of melted metal and blackened concrete. Only the foundations remain. Everything that maybe houses or home has gone. It's clear that he blaze has been unpredictable. In some parts the entire street has been destroyed and the next is untouched. But the city is still not safe. There are some idiots which are still smoldering and there is no power, water or gas.

Several large tornados have struck the US state of Oklahoma, killing at least two people. Trees were up-rooted and roofs ripped out of homes as violent winds and hails swept through the state. Local television station say many people are around accounted for.

North Korea has marked the end of a four-day congress of the ruling party with the spectacular mass parade in the capital Pyongyang. The country's leader, Kim Jeong-eun presided over the event as hunderds of thousands of people marched through the central square, wavering pink paper flowers and red party flags. John Sadiworth was there.

We just watch the extrodinary parade, thousands upon thousands of people passing the podium with the young North Korea leader Kim Jong Eun, chanting Wansui Wansui, long live Kim Jong Eun. The scenes we have seen today send a troubling signal for North Korea's neighbors. This is politics as religious devotion the very defenition of a mass mobilization and totallitarian in a fledging nuclear state.

据称菲律宾准总统正在考虑对国家宪法体系进行广泛变革。杜特地(Rodrigo Duterte)的发言人表示,作为总统,这位有争议的前市长将把失败的政府总统制改为议会制。马尼拉,Jonason Head报道。

竞争对手将杜特地(Rodrigo Duterte)描述为刽子手,认为他将为菲律宾带来恐怖主义。杜特地(Rodrigo Duterte)以极大的优势获得总统职位,他获得的选票是排名第二的候选人的两倍。但是他将如何开展工作还是未知数。他勇敢承诺清除罪犯和腐败官员,为他赢得厌倦了无效政府的数百万菲律宾公民的支持。但是目前为止他没有披露任何政策细节,然而他的发言人已经承诺大幅改革政治体系。

英国收到警告,如果离开欧盟,其国际地位会下降。在致《泰晤士报》的信函中,13名美国前国防部官员和外交政策官员表示,英国和欧洲将失去外交政策和国际贸易方面的影响力。John Soaper报道。


关于全球植物状况的一份最新报告称,仅在去年就发现了2000多种新的植物物种,包括三米高的兰花。Rebecca Merail报道。




亚伯达省省长因大规模疏散野火肆虐的加拿大城市而被描述为奇迹。诺特利(Rachel Notley)讲述了视察石油城市麦克默里堡的情况。上周有8.8万名居民逃离这里。Laura Baker报道。



朝鲜为期四天的劳动党全国代表大会结束,首都平壤举行了盛大游行活动。国家元首金正恩检阅了游行队伍,数十万人走过中央广场,挥舞着粉红色的纸花和红色的党旗。John Sadiworth报道。

