英国新闻听力 脱欧领袖鲍里斯受命担任英国外交大臣(在线收听

Britain's new Prime Minister Theresa May has takenoffice, promising that the country will forge a boldnew role for itself in the world as it leaves theEuropean Union. Speaking in Downing Street afterher appointment, Mrs. May said her governmentwould work for everyone, whether rich or poor, andshe directly address people who she said were just managing. The government I lead will bedriven not by the interests of the privileged few, but by yours, we will do everything we can togive you more control over your lives. When we take the big course, we will think not of thepowerful, but you. The new prime minister invoked the full name of her Conservative and newunion's party, to defend what she called the pressure's bound between the nations of theUnited Kingdom. Mrs. May surprised many with one of her first cabinet appointment, makingBoris Johnson foreign secretary. Mr. Johnson was one of the leading campaign is to leave theEuropean Union. Here is James Robins. The word diplomacy and Boris Johnson has not untilnow tented to share the same sentence but suddenly he’s Britain's top diplomat in charge offoreign policy as well as two of the intelligence agencies MIC and GCHQ. MIC和GCHQ. Thesame as Mr. Johnson had been appointed, the new foreign secretary spent about half an hour inhis new palatial office with the permanent secretary and a few key foreign officials. BorisJohnson will have to hit the ground running. He is due to meet his European Unioncounterparts, the foreign ministers of the other 27 member states for a working dinner inBrussels on Sunday. Brexit will dominate the menu.The German Chancellor Angela Merkel andthe French President Francois Holland have called Mrs. May to congratulate her and herappointment as Prime Minister. Downing Street said Mrs. May had emphasized commitment todelivering Britain's exit from the EU. The European Commission President Jean-Claude Junckerhas wished her every success in the task ahead. A BBC correspondent says that thoughcordial, Mr. Juncker is concerned that the British government appears to be no hurry to startformal negotiations to leave. The Islamic State group has confirmed the death of one of its topmilitary commanders Omar al-Shishani A news agency linked to IS said Shishani described bythe Pentagon as the militant groups' minister of war was killed in combat in Iraq. MoralesShishani is a correspondent with BBC Arabic. Most observers who are tackling the issue of theIslamic State, they always put Omar Shishani in the highest rank of IS, maybe some peopleput him in the most important three people or four people. Also Omar Shishani played a majorrole in attracting the so-called north fighters towards Islamic State. World news from the BBC. Reports from Syria say a number of people have been killed in an airstrike in market places intwo rebel held areas in the north of the country. Local activists said at least nine died in thetown of Beriha in Idlib province. Meanwhile the state news agency says rebel shelling over thepast few days has done huge damage to the museum in the city of Aleppo. The United Stateshas send troops to South Sudan to protect the country's embassy in Juba and Americancitizens there. The deployment of 47 soldiers follows recent violence between rival factionsand the South Sudanese army which has prompted fears of return to civil war. A further 130 USmilitary personnel in nearby Djibouti has said to be ready to provide support if needed. Acourt in Zimbabwe has freed a pastor whose social medium campaign against governmentmismanagement prompted a nationwide strike. Throughout the case the magistrate saidprosecutors have changed the charges against Pastor Evan Muwalerdy without warning. Thisreport from Grant Ferit. Hundreds of supporters of Evan Muwalerdy erupted into cheers whenhe appeared as a free man outside the court in Harrari. With the Zimbabwe flag drifted aroundhis leg, the pastor told the crowd, many of them holding a loft candles in the darkness that thestrike against corruption must continue. Prosecutors had initially charged him with incitingviolence when he was arrested on Tuesday. They then accused him of attempting tooverthrow the government. The magistrate throughout the case saying he should be warned atthe new charge before appearing in court. Police in India have arrested a Muslim man NimrhanBatu who’s one of the main suspects accused of burning a train in Gujarati state 14 years ago. Sixty Hindu Pilgrims were killed, police say he has been on the run ever since, revenge attackssaw at least a thousand people, most Muslims, killed. 

