《社交网络》精讲 01酒吧约会(在线收听

Did you know there are more people with genius IQs living in China

你知道吗 中国人里面拥有超高智商的人...

than there are people of any kind living in the United States?


That can't possibly be true. It is.

这大概不是真的吧 确实是真的

What would account for that?


Well, first, an awful lot of people live in China, but here's my question.

首先 中国有相当一大批人 不过 这我就要问了

How do you distinguish yourself in a population of people


who all got 1600 on their SATs?


I didn't know they take SATs in China. They don't.

我不知道中国也要考SAT啊 他们不考

I wasn't talking about China anymore, I was talking about me.

我可没在说中国的问题了 我说我自己呢

You got a 1600?


Yes. I could sing in an a cappella group, but I can't sing.

是啊 我还能在无伴奏合唱团里 唱歌呢 只不过我五音不全而已

Does that mean you actually got nothing wrong?


I could row crew or invent a $25 PC.

我会划团体赛艇 还能发明只需要25美元的电脑

Or you could get into a final club.


Or I get into a final club.


You know, from a woman's perspective,

你知道吗 从女性的角度来说...

sometimes not singing in an a cappella group is a good thing.

有些时候吧 没在无伴奏合唱团唱歌也不错

This is serious.


On the other hand, I do like guys who row crew.

不过话说回来 我喜欢划赛艇的男孩子

Well, I can't do that.

好吧 我不会划

I was kidding.


And, yes, I got nothing wrong on the test.

确实 我考试一道题都没错

Have you ever tried? I'm trying right now.

你尝试过吗? 我正在试啊

To row crew? To get into a final club.

试着划赛艇? 加入"终极俱乐部"

To row crew? No. Are you, like, whatever, delusional?

划赛艇?不! 你是不是有点儿...妄想症之类的?

Maybe it's just sometimes you say two things at once.

可能吧 有时候你一下子说两件事

I'm not sure which one I'm supposed to be aiming at.


But you've seen guys who row crew, right?

不过你看过他们划赛艇 没错吧?



Okay, well, they're bigger than me. They're worldclass athletes.

好吧 他们比我块头大 就是那些世界级的运动员

And a second ago, you said you like guys who row crew


so I assumed you had met one.


I guess I just meant I like the idea of it. You know, the way a girl likes cowboys.

我想我的意思是说那种感觉 就好像女孩子喜欢牛仔那种感觉.

