2022年经济学人 鼠狐猴可能比小白鼠更适合“当小白鼠”(2)(在线收听

Yet, like mice, mouse lemurs breed prolifically and quickly, with a gestation period of just two months and maturity achieved within six to eight months.


And not just in a laboratory.


In Madagascar there are millions of them—for, contrary to common perception, not all lemur species are endangered.


What is particularly intriguing for Dr Krasnow and his colleagues, though, is that, in captivity at least, mouse lemurs suffer several illnesses which affect humans too.


These include Alzheimer's and other neurodegenerative disorders, cardiac arrhythmias, metastatic uterine cancer, strokes and atherosclerosis, the furring of the arteries that can lead to a heart attack.


Model organisms tend to happen by accident.


Yeast is used by brewers and bakers, so is an obvious topic for study.


Fruit flies were picked by Thomas Morgan, an early geneticist, because they are easy to breed in large numbers—and it helped that some of their cells have giant chromosomes which showed up well under the microscopes of the day.


And mice were kept as pets by fanciers long before one saw the inside of a laboratory cage.


Dr Krasnow's plan to add mouse lemurs to the list was slightly less accidental than these.


It began in 2009, when he charged his daughter Maya, then still at school, and two of her friends to come up with a new model organism for studying primates as a summer project in his laboratory.


After reviewing the gamut of the primate order, which contains about 500 species, and also looking at a few outliers such as tree shrews, Krasnow junior and her two compadres settled on mouse lemurs.


Not only are these abundant and fast-breeding, they also do well in captivity, as a 60-year-old colony of them in France testifies.


Not one to ignore his daughter's advice, Dr Krasnow investigated in more detail.


In 2011, he organised a workshop of lemur biologists at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, in Virginia, to kick the idea around.


It found favour, and in particular it accelerated the completion of a genome-sequencing project for the animals—a sine qua non for any self-respecting model organism.


It also introduced Dr Krasnow to the idea that fieldwork might be an important part of his proposal.


That, in some ways, is the most intriguing idea of the lot.


Most biologists working with model organisms make a fetish of control.


Mice, in particular, are often bred deliberately to be as genetically similar to one another as possible, within a given line.


Dr Krasnow has the opposite plan.


Genetic analysis is now so cheap that every animal involved in a project can be sequenced.


Made visible in this way, diversity is as much an opportunity as a problem, for that information can be correlated not only with obvious, medically relevant stuff, such as disease manifestation, but also with behaviour—and behaviour expressed in the wild, not just in the restricted environment of a laboratory.


That insight led to collaboration with Patricia Wright, a primatologist at the State University of New York, Stony Brook, who helped encourage the Malagasy government to found Ranomafana, and who has been working there for decades.


And that led to the lemur-trapping project now joined by Judah.


One early discovery from the genetic analyses made possible by this project (admittedly, one that is not of much obvious medical use) is that what appeared to be one species of brown mouse lemur, the species Dr Krasnow and Dr Wright thought they were investigating, is actually two.


They live in the same range and are indistinguishable to the human eye.


But they can clearly tell each other apart because their genetics show that they diverged several million years ago, and do not interbreed.

