英国新闻听力 墨西哥裁判出红牌被当场打死(在线收听

Across the United States long queues of people have been waiting to vote in the US presidential election. After one of the most divisive and unpredictable campaigns in memory, analysts expected turnout to be a key factor in whether Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton wins the White House. The first exit polls from the east are expected at around midnight GMT, four hours before polling stations close on the west coast.

India’s highest denomination currrency note is to be withdrawn from circulation. The Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced the surprised move just hours before it came into effect. He said it was aimed to cracking down on corruption and illegal cash holdings. Notes of 500 and 1000 Rupies are affected. Banks have been striked to exchange the existed hiding denomination Rupie notes until the end of year.

Iraqi special forces have moved into their headquarters closer to the frontline inside Mosul as they battle Islamic State fighters street by street. A commander of the conter-terrorism forces told the BBC they have completely driven IS out of the Sadam distrct on the northeastern side of Mosul.

The European Union has described recent event in Turkey as extremely worrying. And it urged the government to resume political dialogue with opposition groups and to safeguard democracy. The statement was issued on the eve of an annual assesment of Turkey’s progress on meeting EU accession criteria.

Police in Mexico are looking for a footballer who headbutted a referee who then died. The player had been given a red card during an amateur match in the state of Hidalgo on Sunday. He fled from the pitch when the two team started fighting.

An Austrian man has won a court case in abling to change his family name back to Zebra. A man appealed to the Austrain consititutional court when a lower court rejected the idea arguing that Zebra could only refer to a type of Horse from Africa.


印度最高面额的钞票将退出流通。总理莫迪(Narendra Modi)在该出人意料的举措生效几小时之前才宣布。他说,此举旨在打击腐败和非法持有现金。500和1000卢比面额的钞票将受到影响。银行今年年底之前都将努力兑换现存的卢比钞票。




