慢速英语短文听力 安静的宠物(在线收听

A Quiet Pet


Lisa liked to visit her friends. All her friends had pets. Her friends had dogs. Her friends had cats. Her friends had birds. Lisa didn’t have any pets. She didn’t have a dog. She didn’t have a cat. She didn’t have a bird. “Can I have a dog, Daddy?” Lisa asked. Daddy said no. He said a dog barked too much. “Can I have a cat, Daddy?” Lisa asked. Daddy said no. He said a cat meowed too much. “Can I have a bird, Daddy?” Lisa asked. Daddy said no. He said a bird sang too much. “All my friends have pets. Can’t I have just one pet?” she asked. “Okay,” Daddy said. “But it must be a quiet pet. I’ll buy you a quiet pet.” He went to the pet store. He bought a pet. He gave Lisa her new pet. “Daddy, it's a goldfish!” Lisa said.

