慢速英语短文听力 正面新闻(在线收听

More Good News, Please


I love my newspaper. It tells me the news every day. The newspaper has page after page of news. I also get the news from the radio and the TV. I also get the news from my friends. But I like the newspaper the best. I can read the newspaper any time I want. I can read any story I want. I can stop reading any story I want, when I want. My newspaper has many sections. The first section is national news. The next section is state and city news. The next section is business news. The next section is sports. The last section is entertainment. That’s a lot of news, every day. I have only one problem with my newspaper. Most of the news is sad news or bad news. Why? There is good news, too. People like good news. People like to read and hear good news. I think my newspaper needs a section for good news. I think good news should be the first section of my newspaper.

