纪录片《南太平洋》 第176期 脆弱天堂(25)(在线收听

At five in the morning, the fishermen are already setting the nets.

清晨五点 渔夫已经在布网

It's time to take the plunge.


It may seem a little strange why we're putting fishing net on our scuba gear, but it has a very useful purpose.

或许有点奇怪 为什么我们把渔网放在我们的水中呼吸器装置上 但其实它有个非常有用的目的

These jagged edges of the gear are completely covered with this fishing net


to prevent us from getting snagged and caught like fish.


I don't normally wear a knife this big, but in this kind of situation,

我通常不会带这么大一把刀 但是在这种情形下

with all the nets around and the possibility of entanglement, it's a really good idea.

身边都是网有被缠住的可能 带上它绝对是个好主意

This is a shark shield, and with a tuna-fishing boat,

这是个鲨鱼出没的地方 一艘金枪鱼渔船

thousands of bloody tuna in the water,


and a sea full of sharks, it could come in very handy.

一片充满鲨鱼的海洋 它会很容易进来

They enter the net.


Despite having done all they can to prepare, this is a jump into the unknown.

尽管能做的准备都做了 这一跳下去一切都还是未知

The scale of the net is breathtaking.


They're relieved to find that there are no sharks this time.

他们轻松了 因为看到这回没有鲨鱼

But there are also no fish.

