英国新闻听力 奥朗德放弃连任法国总统(在线收听

A UN commission on human rights in southern Sudan has warned that the steady process of ethnic cleansing is underway in several parts of the country. The commission's chair said the international community needed to act quickly to prevent repeat of the Rwandan genocide. South Sudan's President Salva Kiir has strongly denied the ethnic cleansing is taking place.

The socialist President of France Francois Hollande has just announced that he's not standing for re-election next year. Polls predict that the election will be a battle between the center-right candidate Francois Fillon and the leader of the Far-right national front Marine Le Pen.

Crown prince Maha Vajiralongkor has been proclaimed king of Thailand. He was anointed at a special ceremony. His coronation will take place following the cremation of his father, King Bhumibol Adulyadej, who died in October after a 70-year-reign.

United Nations says nearly 2,000 members of the Iraqi security forces were killed across the country in November along with hundreds of civilians. It's a threefold increase on the figure for October when Iraqi forces launched a major assault to retake the city of Mosul, the last major stronghold in Iraq of the Islamic State group.

Bolivia has suspended the operating license of LaMia, the charter airline whose plane crashed in Colombia on Monday killing 71 people. The plane, which ran out of fuel, had taken off from Santa Cruz in Bolivia on route for Medellin carrying a Brazilian football team.

Gunfire has been heard in the Libyan capital Tripoli and armed groups have been taking up positions in various parts of the city. The cause of the sudden tension is not clear. A number of militia factions operate in Tripoli and fighting is often sparked by turf wars, but the latest shooting has been described as heavier than usual.

And Buzz Aldrin, the second man on the moon, has been evacuated from the South Pole after falling ill. The 86-year-old former astronaut was visiting Antarctica as part of a private tour group and had to be airlifted to an American research base 13 hundred kilometers away.


法国社会党总统弗朗索瓦?奥朗德近日宣布其不会参选明年的总统竞选。民意调查预测,明年的选举将会是右派弗朗索瓦?菲永(Francois Fillon)与极右派领袖玛丽娜?勒庞(Marine Le Pen)之争。





