英国新闻听力 21世纪福克斯提出收购天空电视(在线收听

The Gambian president Yahya Jammeh has refused to accept his shock election defeat, saying there will be a fresh vote. Mr.Jammeh said the vote tally was wrong, and he actually won with an 87,000 majority.

A veteran opposition leader has won Ghana's presidential election. His success greeted with jubilation by his supporters. Nana akufu-addo hailed his victory on Wednesday's vote which he said estabilished the country as a beacon of democracy in west Africa, he's promised to tackle Ghana's lackluster economy.

President Obama has directed US intelligence to review the spate of election season cyber attacks blamed on Russian hackers. A spokesman described the action as a deep dive into a range of malicious cyber activity since 2008. It's to be written up by the time Mr. Obama leaves office in Janurary.

The media giant 21st Century Fox controlled by the Merdoch family has made an informal offer to fully take over Sky, one of Europe's biggest pay TV operators. A member of Sky's board called the 14 billion dollarbid for the outstanding 61% good.

Fighting has continued in Aleppo as Syrian government forces continue their advance of the remaining districts of the city held by rebels. On Thursday, Russia said the operation was to be suspended to allow civilians to flee.

The US president-elect Donald Trump has appointed another Goldman Sachs executive to his administration despite repeatedly vilifying the powerful Wall Street bank on the campaign trail. The White House national economic council is to be led by Goldman president Gary Gohn. He joins former colleagues Steve Mnuchin and Steve Bannon.

The government of Ivory Coast has launched a program to provide birth certificates for three million children who have no documents. Many either lost documents or never obtained them during a decade long conflict in 2011.

冈比亚总统叶海亚·贾梅(Yahya Jammeh)拒绝接受令人震惊的选举失败,称还会重新举行投票。贾梅先生宣称计票结果是错误的,他实际上以8.7万张选票的优势获胜。

一位经验丰富的反对派领袖赢得加纳总统选举胜利。支持者们欢庆他的获胜。纳纳·阿库福-阿多(Nana Akufu-Addo)在周三的投票中获胜,称他的胜利确立了加纳成为西非民主制度的风向标。他承诺扭转国家每况愈下的经济。




美国候任总统唐纳德·特朗普委任了高盛集团又一名高管担任内阁成员,尽管他在竞选过程中多次中伤这家实力强大的华尔街银行。白宫国家经济委员会将由高盛总裁加里·科恩(Gary Gohn)领导。他将加入前同事史蒂文·努钦(Steven Mnuchin)和斯蒂夫·班农(Steve Bannon)的行列。

