英国新闻听力 叙利亚武装分子火烧疏散车辆(在线收听

Gunmen in Jordan have carried out a series of attacks in the historic town of Karak, killing 9 people including a Canadian tourist and 5 police. The gunmen also opened fire at the ancient crusader castle that dominates the town.

Armed men in Syria have set fire to buses that were about to evacuate people from an area of government control that's besieged by rebels. The planned evacuation was part of a wider process that was to include the simultaneous movement of thousands of people desperate to leave the rebel-held part of eastern Aleppo.

Russia has said it will veto a draft resolution due to be considered by the UN Security Council demanding unimpeded UN access to the rebel enclave in eastern Aleppo. Russia is circulating seperate proposals of its own, calling for the monitoring of conditions for civilians in Aleppo. In the last few minutes, it's been announced that a vote will be held on Monday.

The leader of the Russian Republic of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, says security forces have shot dead at least 7 suspected militants near the capital Grozny. He said the clashes took place following an attack on police officers the previous night.

A Philippine senator who's calling for the impeachment of President Rodrigo Duterte has told the BBC she fears for her life but won't be silenced. Leila de Lima said she'd taken on extra security since she began critisizing the president's war on drugs.

Counting has started in parliamentary elections in Ivory Coast with the opposition hoping to break the total dominance of the governing coalition in the National Assembly. Opposition parties have largely taken part following their boycott of the last polls 5 years ago.

The Polish President Andrzej Duda has been holding talks with opposition party leaders following 3 days of anti-government protests. It was sparked by official plans to restrict media access to the building.




车臣共和国领袖拉姆赞·卡德罗夫(Ramzan Kadyrov)表示,安全力量在首都格罗兹尼附近击毙了至少7名激进分子嫌疑人。他表示,此前一天晚上,警察遭遇一起袭击,随后爆发冲突。

要求弹劾总统杜特尔特(Rodrigo Duterte)的一名菲律宾参议员告诉BBC,她担心自己有生命危险,但是她不会保持沉默。莱拉·德利马(Leila de Lima)表示,自从抨击总统打击毒品的战争以来,她已经加强了安保措施。


持续三天的反政府抗议活动之后,波兰总统安杰伊·杜达(Andrzej Duda)与反对派领袖对话。此前,官方计划限制媒体进入这栋大厦。
