英国新闻听力 特朗普内阁成员与其唱反调 公开应援情报机构(在线收听

Two senior figures taking on key roles in Donald Trump's new administration have given strong endorsements of the U.S. intelligence community. Mike Pompeo, Mr. Trump's pick for head of the CIA, and General James Mattis, nominee for U.S. defense secretary, expressed confidence in intelligence officials, a day after the president-elect suggested security staff may have leaked unproven information about him.

A U.S. government watchdog has launched an investigation into actions taken by the FBI during the election campaign. The decision by the FBI Director, James Comey, to reopen investigation into Hillary Clinton's email server less than two weeks before the election, shook up the race.

The Italian-American carmaker, Fiat Chrysler, has been accused of not telling the authorities about a software regulating emissions in thousands of its diesel vehicles. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency said the company had broken the law by installing, but failing to disclose technology in thousands of vehicles.

The Nigerian Lower House of Parliament has voted to offer the Gambian President, Yahya Jammeh, asylum, if he steps down. Mr. Jammeh initially accepted he'd lost last month's elections, before sparking a national crisis by changing his mind.

A bill decriminalizing some forms of domestic violence has passed its first reading in Russia's Lower House of Parliament. Women groups have reacted angrily to the legislation, which would see first offences which don't require hospital treatment defined as administrative rather than criminal.

The Russian Defense Ministry says its military has signed an agreement with Turkey, spelling out how they'll coordinate their forces in Syria while carrying out airstrikes. The two countries brokered a ceasefire last month between the Syrian government and rebel groups.

Syrian state television says a suspected suicide bomber has carried out an attack in the capital, Damascus, killing at least six people.

两名在特朗普新政府中身负要职的高级官员对美国情报机构表达了强烈支持。其中,蓬佩奥(Mike Pompeo)是特朗普提名的中情局(Central Intelligence Agency)负责人,而詹姆士(James Mattis)则是特朗普提名的国防部部长,二人均表示信任中情局工作人员,他们此举是在特朗普公开表示中情局工作人员可能泄露了关于特朗普的未经证实信息1天后的应援。

美国政府监督机构已对联邦调查局FBI在美国大选期间所采取的行动进行了调查。FBI负责人詹姆斯(James Comey)所做出的在大选开始2周前对希拉里邮件服务器事宜重启调查的决定改变了大选的局势。

意美合资汽车公司菲亚特-克莱斯勒被指控未告知有关部门关于其在无数柴油汽车中安装蒙混尾气排放数据软件的事实。美国国家环境保护署(U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,简称EPA)表示,该公司在其制造的汽车中安装软件却拒不公开数据的行为违反了法律。




