《牧羊少年奇幻之旅》 114 男孩爬上沙丘(在线收听

The boy rode along through the desert for several hours, listening avidly to what his heart had to say.


It was his heart that would tell him where his treasure was hidden.


"Where your treasure is, there also will be your heart," the alchemist had told him.


But his heart was speaking of other things.


With pride, it told the story of a shepherd who had left his flock to follow a dream he had on two different occasions.


It told of personal legend, and of the many men who had wandered in search of distant lands or beautiful women, confronting the people of their times with their preconceived notions.


It spoke of journeys, discoveries, books, and change.


As he was about to climb yet another dune, his heart whispered,


"Be aware of the place where you are brought to tears. That's where I am, and that's where your treasure is."


The boy climbed the dune slowly. A full moon rose again in the starry sky: it had been a month since he had set forth from the oasis.


The moonlight cast shadows through the dunes, creating the appearance of a rolling sea;


it reminded the boy of the day when that horse had reared in the desert, and he had come to know the alchemist.


And the moon fell on the desert's silence, and on a man's journey in search of treasure.


When he reached the top of the dune, his heart leapt.


There, illuminated by the light of the moon and the brightness of the desert, stood the solemn and majestic Pyramids of Egypt.


The boy fell to his knees and wept. He thanked God for making him believe in his personal legend,


and for leading him to meet a king, a merchant, an Englishman, and an alchemist.


And above all for his having met a woman of the desert who had told him that love would never keep a man from his personal legend.

