环球慢速英语 俄罗斯被遗弃的孩子们(2)(在线收听

Voice 1: HIV is the virus that causes AIDS. People can receive treatment for AIDS. But there is no cure for it. In Russia, experts recorded the first case of HIV in 1987. At first, Russia seemed almost unaffected by AIDS. But experts say that cases soon increased at a huge rate. It became an epidemic.


Voice 2: Experts estimate that today about one percent of the Russian population lives with HIV. But they believe that the numbers could be much higher. The United Nations Children's Fund, UNICEF, works for children's rights, survival, development, and protection. They say that Russia has one of the fastest growing AIDS epidemics in the world. One hundred people there become infected with HIV every day. And UNICEF says that the number of women living with HIV has more than doubled in the past few years. This is especially frightening.


Voice 1: During birth, an HIV positive mother can pass the virus on to her baby. However, this does not happen in the majority of cases. Without prevention services, HIV positive mothers pass on the virus thirty-five percent of the time. And with prevention services, the number is much lower. But many women do not know this.


Voice 2: Every day in Russia about twenty HIV positive women give birth. Of these twenty new babies, on average two will be abandoned by their mothers. Their mothers will leave them at the hospital.

