环球慢速英语 槟榔西施(5)(在线收听

Voice 2: Betel leaves are also part of Vietnamese marriage ceremonies. Betel nuts are a sign of love and marriage.


Voice 1: Some reports show that betel chewing is less popular in Asian cities today. They say that in particular, young people are rejecting the custom. Many of them have travelled to the west for an education. Because of this Western influence, they find the custom socially unacceptable and offensive. They no longer like to spit the red liquid from their mouths in the street.


Voice 2: But for others, the betel nut remains an important part of their tradition and culture.


The betel nut. A health destroying drug? A sign of love and marriage? A danger to betel beauties? Or a way out of poor economic conditions? The debate continues. Whatever people think, the betel nut is surely something to chew over.


Voice 1: Is betel chewing popular in your country? Is it one of your customs? Is it socially acceptable?

