CGTN头条新闻2022 俄罗斯称顿巴斯局势升级(在线收听

Russia says situation in Donbass escalates


Xi extends congratulations on 65th anniversary of China-Sri Lanka diplomatic relations

Chinese President Xi Jinping has sent a congratulatory letter to the China-Sri Lanka political parties conference.

The meeting was held to commemorate the 65th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the two countries.

It also marked the 70th anniversary of the signing of the Rubber-Rice Pact, which is seen as the starting point for the expansion of bilateral trade between the two sides.

Russia says situation in Donbass escalates

Russia is warning of what it calls intensified "provocative actions" near the demarcation line in the breakaway Donbass region of eastern Ukraine.

Presidential Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov says the situation is escalating.

Earlier, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said he was heading across the Sea of Azov to the zone of military operations in Donbass.

On Tuesday, Russia's State Duma approved a bill recognizing the self-proclaimed Luhansk and Donetsk republics in the region.

Spreading false information no help to Ukraine crisis

China says spreading false information and creating tension does not help with solving the issues in Ukraine.

Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin urged the United States to address Russia's concerns on security instead of stoking the crisis.

He added that China supports all efforts that are in line with the spirit of the Minsk Agreement.

Kazakhstan approves military cooperation agreement with Russia

Kazakhstan's parliament has ratified an agreement with Russia on military cooperation.

The two sides are aiming to enhance combat training, peacekeeping abilities, military education and science.

The document has been sent to the president to be signed.

ASEAN foreign ministers reiterate commitment to ensure full, effective implementation of RCEP

Foreign ministers of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations have reiterated their commitment to ensure the full and effective implementation of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership, which took effect on Jan. 1.

During their latest meeting, the ministers also reaffirmed the importance of strengthening ASEAN economic integration and intra-ASEAN trade, investment and supply chain connectivity.

Hong Kong faces food supply issues due to infections among truck drivers

Hong Kong is facing food supply difficulties due to a high number of COVID-19 cases among truck drivers.

Police order Ottawa truck protesters to leave

Police in the Canadian capital have started warning protesters blockading the downtown Ottawa area to leave or face arrest.

However, many of the truckers participating in the protest say they are not moving until their grievances are addressed.

"Personally, it's a small sacrifice to make in order to ensure that the freedoms of this great nation are restored."

"We got to stick, you know, till we get some changes, do we get the freedom back, you know, not being pushed to do to get vaccinated."

"Their new scare tactic? It's not going to work with us, so we're holding the line."

The tougher approach comes after Prime Minister Justin Trudeau invoked the Emergencies Act, giving the government more powers to end the protest.

Ottawa Police say a total of 33 people had been arrested.

U.S. investigates Tesla vehicles over unexpected braking reports

U.S. authorities have opened a formal investigation into more than 410 thousand Tesla vehicles over reports of unexpected brake activation tied to the driver assistance system.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration says it has received about 350 complaints about the issue over the past nine months.

The preliminary evaluation covers the latest Model 3 and Model Y vehicles in the United States.

Italy's espresso will become candidate for UNESCO heritage status

Italy has decided to nominate its espresso as a candidate for UNESCO heritage status, claiming the drink is part of the country's national identity.

Espresso is a robust, intense coffee made by forcing pressurized water through a handful of coffee powder.

Invented in the late 19th century, it has been deeply entrenched in the way Italians socialize.
