早安英文 第638期:不是所有的地铁都叫subway(在线收听


Yes, correct, so in the U.K for example, we call it the "Underground" or the "Tube"

是的,没错,就拿英国举例子,我们把地铁叫做 underground 或者tube.

Subways can also be called "Metro" or "Metro system"

地铁还可以被称作为,Metro 或者 Metro system(地铁系统)。

Excuse me, could you show me where the nearest subway station is?


I’ve seen footage of people being pushed on to it and held in so the door can close!


Right, rush hour is the busiest time of the day for travel, and is usually from 7-9 in the morning and 4-6 in the evening. Not a good time to go somewhere in a big city!


How about we move on to some subway etiquette?


We were queuing for 15 minutes, we nearly missed our train.

