速成英语口语第六册 Lesson 16:Money vs. Memories(在线收听

Lesson 16 Money vs. Memories

Jared: Hey Sam. Is everything all right?

Sam: Yeah, but my daughter's graduation is coming up this weekend, and the boss wants me back on the road again.

Jared: Oh man, that's tough! Can't you book this weekend off or find someone else to cover? I mean, your daughter only graduates from high school once.

Sam: I know, I've already missed so much of my kids'lives because I'm always working. I wasn't there for them while they were growing up.

Jared: Yes, but at least you were able to afford many of the things my family couldn't. I wish we had more money growing up, so I'm going to provide all I can for my family.

Sam: A word of advice, Jared. Don't be so focused trying to make money that you miss the memories.I can't tell you how many times I kicked myself for missing Emily's dance recitals, or Tanya's plays, or Brian's soccer matches.

Jared: So, you regret all of the success you've had? I mean, branch manager of one of the biggest companies in the country is something to be pround of.

Sam: Jared, you'll learn one day that family is more important. I just wish someone would have told me that when I was your age.
