VOA常速英语2022 非洲国家呼吁结核病资金支持(在线收听


African Nations Appeal for TB Funding

Despite being treatable and preventable, tuberculosis is a leading killer in South Africa.During the coronavirus pandemic, testing for TB dropped dramatically with deadly consequences.Latoya Wisers 32-year-old partner was among the casualties.

尽管结核病是可以治疗和预防的,但该病是造成南非人口死亡的主要杀手。在新冠肺炎疫情期间,结核病的检测率急剧下降,造成了致命的后果。拉托亚·维泽(Latoya Wiser)32岁的伴侣就是死于结核病。

His tongue, he was only saying that hes feeling part.He didnt even taste the food.Its whereby I asked him, Lets go to the clinic and test. Its whereby we find out that hes positive.


Although Wisers partner was on treatment for two months, he succumbed to TB last august.Testing did ensure their infant son was put on preventative treatment.Both Wiser and the baby remain healthy, but she struggles with her loss.


I did wish, cause if maybe we did find out sooner, maybe he would have still been alive.


Her experience is not unique, an estimated 1.8 billion people globally are infected with TB, disproportionately affecting those in poorer nations.


The Global Fund says development of new TB treatments has long stagnated and the onset of the coronavirus has made matters worse.

全球基金(the Global Fund)表示,新的结核病治疗方法的开发长期停滞不前,新冠肺炎的出现使情况变得更糟。

We have seen more than 20 percent drop in the number of people who have access to diagnosis and treatment.And then the transmission will continue and that will contribute to overall TB incidence and mortality.TB mortality for the first time increased it to 1.5 million from the 1.4 million in 2019.The New Mobile Clinic supported by the Global Fund aims to close the gap in TB testing.Its reaching people like Wiser who struggle to get to clinics.


If you dont know like surely, you cant take care, you cant protect people next week from something that we dont know that you have, even if youre not showing any symptoms,


so we just check them after screening what we normally do.If we pick up the TB, we make sure that we trace the TB like in families, friends they all come and test.


Governments are also learning from mistakes made during the coronavirus pandemic to improve treatment for illnesses that went neglected.


In hindsight, we should have when were investigating for COVID, also investigated for TB.But we have realized that we rectifying our mistakes,we are re-challenging our efforts now to integrate COVID activities with primary healthcare activities including TB services now.


To ensure efforts like this can have the greatest impact, the Global Fund is appealing to the international community for 18 billion dollars.It says the funding will correct setbacks caused by the pandemic and move the world closer to eliminating diseases like tuberculosis.

为了确保像这样的努力能够产生最大的影响, 全球基金正在呼吁国际社会提供180亿美元的资金支持。全球基金声称,这些资金将纠正新冠肺炎所致的不良影响,使世界向消除结核病这样的疾病更迈进一步。
