英语悠选脱口秀 朋友圈是理想国(在线收听



TODAY’s key word is Social Media

Social Media 社交媒体

Social media is computer-mediated(电脑媒介) tool that allow people to create, share or exchange information, ideas, and pictures/videos in virtual(虚拟) communities and networks.

今天我们来讲讲我们每天都在用的社交媒体。刚刚过去的国庆朋友圈摄影大赛,你得了第几名呢?我想很多人都有一种感觉,Your friends' lives always look more exciting than yours on wechat, weibo, and other social media platforms.

别人的生活满满的都是,美食,爱人,旅行~~~~~~~而自己只能老老实实学习,认认真真上班, 勤勤恳恳单身~~~~But 重点来了,

A recent survey(调查) has found around two-thirds of people on social media post images to their profiles to make their lives seem more adventurous.


Seem more adventurous, Seem只是看起来很美而已。而且,很多人发朋友圈的目的其实非常非常地单纯。

More than half of those surveyed said they posted images of items and places purely(纯粹地) to cause jealousy(嫉妒) among friends and family.


Who doesn’t want to look better in front of their friends? We're living in a world of instant communication. We want to know what others are doing right now; We want to know what celebrities are wearing today.

In 2015, everybody is a photographer. People are using photography(摄影) to express themselves and to show the world exactly what makes them who they are.


So just post whatever you want to post on wechat and other social media platforms.
