科学美国人60秒 共和党选民不否认气候变化(在线收听

Representative Lamar Smith of Texas, the Republican who heads the House Science Committee, has long been skeptical of global warming. He has accused government climate scientists of doctoring climate data. And called the U.N.'s climate reports, quote, "more political than scientific." All part of what he called the "climate change religion," in a Wall Street Journal op-ed.


But those views may be increasingly out of step with what Republican voters actually think. Because a new analysis finds that a majority of Republicans across the country would actually support regulating carbon dioxide as a pollutant.


As for the overall consensus on whether climate change is, indeed, a thing? Half of Republican voters think the climate is indeed being transformed…although far fewer think human activity is what’s responsible for the changes. The study is in the journal Climatic Change.


Study author Matto Mildenberger of the University of California, Santa Barbara: "I think here the picture that's emerging is that the public has a lot more appetite and would have a lot more tolerance and interest in seeing political officials act in the U.S. than you'd think just listening to some of the debate and rhetoric we hear at the federal level in the United States right now.

来自加州大学圣芭芭拉分校该研究的作者Matto Midenberger表示,现在的情况是公众的胃口更大,他们对美国政治官员的行为有更多的宽容和兴趣,而不是我们听到的美国国会级别一些辩论和华丽的辞藻。

But perhaps that rhetoric will start to change—as climate reality makes the politics of denial too hot to handle.

