2022年经济学人 英国火车司机罢工导致铁路网瘫痪5天(在线收听

The world this week--Business


Britain’s annual inflation rate hit 9.1% in May.


Food prices accounted for much of that, but road-fuel prices were up by 32.8%, year on year, the biggest such increase in that category since the data were first compiled in 1989.


Britain already has the highest inflation rate among G7 countries.


The Bank of England recently increased its main interest rate for the fifth consecutive time, to 1.25%.

英格兰银行最近连续第五次上调其主要利率, 至1.25%。

The squeeze on household costs is pushing up wage demands.


Train drivers went on strike this week, crippling the rail network for five days.


Nurses and teachers are also considering action over pay in a “summer of strife”.


More than 1,300 pilots for Southwest Airlines held a protest outside Dallas Love Field airport to complain about their overstretched working arrangements.


Southwest, like other big carriers, has been caught out by the strength of the travel revival.


A lack of staff at airports in America and Europe is also causing turbulence, leading to regular flight delays.


The situation will probably get worse as big airports, such as Heathrow, have increased their forecasts for passenger numbers.


Following the example of workers at Amazon and Starbucks, staff at an Apple store near Baltimore voted to join a union, the first time employees at the tech giant have opted for unionisation.


The crusading store staff are Apple’s CORE: the Coalition of Organised Retail Employees.

参加该运动的门店员工是苹果CORE(the Coalition of Organised Retail Employees)工会的人。

Sales of homes in America fell again in May, according to the National Association of Realtors (the tally excludes newly built properties).


The decline was the fourth in a row, after sharp rises in the worst of the pandemic, and sales are back to where they were in 2019.


However, the median price of a home rose for the 123rd month running, to $407,600, up by 15% year on year.


A shift in expectations about inflation and tighter monetary policy are pushing up mortgage rates in America, according to Freddie Mac, a government-sponsored mortgage backer.


The rate for an average 30-year fixed-rate mortgage has doubled over the past year.


The Russian rouble hit a seven-year high against the dollar.


It has gained the most of any currency against the greenback this year, despite the loosening of capital controls and a reduction in interest rates.


A strong rouble undermines Russia’s exports and public finances, a headache for the government, which is mooting whether to set an “optimal” exchange rate.


Meanwhile, the Japanese yen fell to a new 24-year low against the dollar.


This follows the Bank of Japan’s commitment to stick to a monetary-easing policy that targets a short-term interest rate of -0.1%, just as America’s Federal Reserve steps up an aggressive round of monetary tightening.

