英国卫报:一名巴勒斯坦人的命运沉浮(3)(在线收听) |
His first lawyer, and even an Israeli judge, urged him to accept, knowing that refusal can lead to longer jail terms. 他的第一位律师,甚至一位以色列法官都敦促他接受,因为他们知道拒绝可能会导致更长的刑期。 His current lawyer claims Halabi received offers that would have led to his immediate release with time served, allowing him to return to his wife and children in Gaza. 他目前的律师称,哈拉比收到的提议会导致他在服完刑期后立即获释,使他能够回到他在加沙的妻子和孩子身边。 But Halabi insists he is innocent of the charges, and has refused to make a deal. 但哈拉比坚持认为他对这些指控是无辜的,并拒绝达成协议。 The arguments in court concluded in July this year, but Halabi remains in prison awaiting a verdict, which is expected this autumn. 法庭辩论于今年7月结束,但哈拉比仍在监狱中等待判决,预计判决将在今年秋季完成。 The Israeli legal system, and the plea deal agreements on which its machinery turns, has been challenged by one man who refuses to accept his fate. 以色列的法律体系,以及其机制所依赖的认罪协议,受到了拒绝接受其遭遇的人的挑战。 World Vision’s former programme quality director, Simon Manning, said that Halabi, who he worked with closely for several years, is a “stubborn” man who sticks to his principles. 世界宣明会前项目质量总监西蒙-曼宁(Simon Manning)说,与他密切合作数年的哈拉比是一个“顽固”的人,坚持自己的原则。曼宁听说哈拉比坚持了下来,并不感到惊讶。 Manning was not surprised to hear Halabi had held out. “When they arrested Mohammed, they really had no idea who they were dealing with.” “当他们逮捕穆罕默德时,他们真的不知道他们面对的是谁。” Working in Gaza has long presented a challenge for aid organisations. 长期以来,在加沙工作对援助组织是一个挑战。 The tiny territory, squeezed between Israel, Egypt and the Mediterranean Sea, is among the poorest in the world – more than two-thirds of its population rely on some form of humanitarian aid, according to the UN. 这片被挤压在以色列、埃及和地中海之间的小领土是世界上最贫穷的地区之一--根据联合国的数据,超过三分之二的人口依赖某种形式的人道主义援助才能存活。 But Gaza is controlled and run by Hamas, who took control after elections in 2007 and have since fought four wars with Israel. 但加沙是由哈马斯控制和管理的,他们在2007年的选举后控制了加沙,此后与以色列进行了四次战争。 As Hamas is considered a terrorist organisation by most western nations, aid agencies cannot deal with them for fear of falling foul of sanctions. 由于哈马斯被大多数西方国家认为是一个恐怖组织,援助机构不能与他们打交道,因为他们担心会受到制裁。 Large aid organisations have implemented strict processes to try to prevent money being co-opted or stolen – known in the industry as aid diversion – but theft can still occur. 大型援助组织已经实施了严格的程序,试图防止资金被合作或偷窃--在行业内被称为援助转移--但偷窃仍有可能发生。 Itay Epshtain, a special adviser to the Norwegian Refugee Council, which also provides aid in Gaza, described the rigorous mechanisms charities adopt to prevent aid diversion. 在加沙提供援助的挪威难民理事会的特别顾问伊塔伊-埃普斯坦(Itay Epshtain)介绍了慈善机构为防止援助被挪用而采取的严格机制。 “You do repeat monitoring – going back to check multiple times that if you provided a water pump or a hospital bed it is still there and operating as it should be. “如果你提供了一个水泵或一张病床,它仍然在那里,并按照原有方式运行,那么你应该做重复监测--多次回去检查这个情况。 On top of that you have pre-planned and continuous external auditing to check how every dollar is spent.” 除此之外,你还有预先计划好的、持续的外部审计,以检查每一块钱是如何使用的。” In Gaza there was additional scrutiny as the Israeli government and some monitor organisations routinely make “bad faith” allegations that aid is being stolen by Hamas. 在加沙,有额外的审查,因为以色列政府和一些监督组织经常提出 "恶意 "指控,说援助资金被哈马斯偷走。 “It absorbs a lot of management time,” he said. 他说:“这占用了大量的管理时间。” The Israeli charge sheet listed 12 accusations against Halabi. 以色列的指控表列出了对哈拉比的12项指控。 Most, such as the claim he took part in a 2014 Hamas military exercise, were nearly impossible to assess without seeing the secret evidence the Israelis claimed to have. 大多数指控,例如声称他参加了2014年哈马斯的军事演习,但是在没有看到以色列人声称拥有的秘密证据的情况下,这些指控几乎不可能被评估。 But others were easier to investigate. 但其他指控则更容易调查。 |
原文地址:http://www.tingroom.com/lesson/ygwb/547750.html |