华盛顿邮报 哈桑·明哈杰的喜剧之路(在线收听

Did you always want to do comedy? Like, how did you figure out that you were funny?

你一直想演喜剧吗? 你是怎么发现自己很有趣的?

So, I was a speech and debate kid.


And, you know, I'm a child of Indian immigrants.


My parents came to the country in '82. I was born in '85.

我父母1982年来到这个国家。 我出生于1985年。

I'm a millennial kid, and my dad and mom specifically didn't let me watch cable growing up.


And that means I missed out on all the seminal years of HBO Comedy, Comedy Central half-hour specials, all of these things that shaped a generation of comedians that are now my contemporaries.


"The Simpsons." I missed out on all of that stuff.

“辛普森一家”。 我错过了这一切。

And so, one of the things that I coincidentally stumbled into was, my teacher Ms. Takeuchi would catch me cracking jokes and sometimes not paying attention in class.


And my sophomore year of high school, she said, "Look, I won't give you detention if you join this thing called FBLA."


And in FBLA, we have a public speaking competition where you can do impromptu speaking.


And so I ended up going to these tournaments.


And funny enough, I would crack jokes during my speech, and whenever the judges would come and give me my marks, I always had 10 to 15 points higher because I just broke the fourth wall.


And so, I didn't know that was a skill set at the time.


I thought I was just being funny or just kind of being a smartass.


And then when I got to college, I would start watching stand-up comedy because I could download comedy on my computer in the dorm rooms.


And I was like, "Oh, this is just funny speech and debate."


And so my freshman year of college, it all clicked for me.


I realized this thing that I had been doing in high school, that Ms. Takeuchi told me to do, was actually a gift, and I could perhaps pursue it as a real career.


And I'm assuming that wasn't what your parents had in mind.


Yeah, no, no. Actually, I think, Linah, you're wrong, that it's exactly what my parents wanted me to do.

是啊,不,不。 事实上,我觉得,莉娜,你错了,那正是我父母想让我做的。

One of the things that both my parents, you know, leaving Aligarh, India, coming to the United States of America, one of the things they really wanted for their first and only son to do was to go in really dark, dingy basements late at night and perform jokes at 1:30 in the morning in front of drunk people.


That's exactly what they wanted for their son.


I know, obviously, that we're doing a podcast. I'm being completely sarcastic.


That is not what they wanted. It was the exact opposite.


And so, that was a long, decade-long fight between, you know, me and my dad specifically.


It was really, really, really rough.


Hmm. I saw that he was, like, even recently in your Cole Haan campaign. So he's more -- he's come around.


Yeah, yeah, he's come on board now, which is really funny.


But I think now that I'm a parent -- you know, I'm a father of two.


I have a 3-year-old and a 1-year-old. And it's so funny.

我有一个3岁,一个1岁的孩子。 这很有趣。

I think about this all the time. Would I want my son or daughter?


-- because my eldest, she's 3. She's really funny.

因为我的大女儿才3岁。 她真的很有趣。

And I was like, "Would I want her to do stand-up comedy?"


And there's part of me that's like, oh, my God, what I had to go through -- I wouldn't wish that on my children.


So, it's one of those things where you have to really, really love it.


And I think my dad's concern was pretty understandable because he saw me as someone -- and I remember he told me this as my LSAT score was expiring.


He was like, "You're so capable. I think you're actually a very smart kid.


Why don't you apply it towards something that'll be productive and fruitful for your life?"


And I was like, "Dad, I'm telling you, jokes -- jokes is the way to go. I can really do this."


And then, you know, my LSAT score expired, and the rest is history.

