
“Well, it ended by their taking Blessington and hanging him. The matter was so  prearranged that it is my belief that they brought with them some sort of block  or pulley which might serve as a gallows. That screw-driver and those screws  were, as I conceive, for fixing it up. Seeing the hook, however they naturally  saved themselves the trouble. Having finished their work they made off, and the  door was barred behind them by their confederate.”

We had all listened with the deepest interest to this sketch of the night's  doings, which Holmes had deduced from signs so subtle and minute that, even when  he had pointed them out to us, we could scarcely follow him in his reasoning.  The inspector hurried away on the instant to make inquiries about the page,  while Holmes and I returned to Baker Street for breakfast.

“I'll be back by three,” said he, when we had finished our meal. “Both the  inspector and the doctor will meet me here at that hour, and I hope by that time  to have cleared up any little obscurity which the case may still present.”

Our visitors arrived at the appointed time, but it was a quarter to four before  my friend put in an appearance. From his expression as he entered, however, I  could see that all had gone well with him.

“Any news, Inspector?”

“We have got the boy, sir.”

“Excellent, and I have got the men.”

“You have got them!” we cried, all three.

“Well, at least I have got their identity. This so-called Blessington is, as I  expected, well known at headquarters, and so are his assailants. Their names are  Biddle, Hayward, and Moffat.”

“The Worthingdon bank gang,” cried the inspector.

“Precisely,” said Holmes.

“Then Blessington must have been Sutton.”

“Exactly,” said Holmes.

“Why, that makes it as clear as crystal,” said the inspector.

But Trevelyan and I looked at each other in bewilderment.

“好,最后,他们就去抓布莱星顿,把他吊起来。这是他们早就安排好了的,因为我相信他 们随身带来了某种滑轮用作绞刑架。我想,那把螺丝起子和那些螺丝钉就是为了安装绞架滑 轮用的。然而,他们看到了吊钩,自然省了他们许多麻烦。他们干完以后,就逃跑了。他们 的同伙跟着就把门锁上了。”

我们全都以极大的兴趣倾听福尔摩斯讲述昨晚案件的概况,这都是他凭借细微的迹象推导出 来的,甚至当他给我们一一点明当时的情况时,我们还几乎跟不上他的思路。之后,警长急 忙跑去查找小听差,我和福尔摩斯则返回贝克街用早餐。

“我在三点钟回来,”福尔摩斯在我们吃过饭以后说道,“警长和医生要在那时到这里来见 我,我希望利用现在这段时间把这个案子里一些还不清楚的小问题查清楚。”

我们的客人在约定的时间来到了,可是我的朋友在三点三刻才露面。然而,他一进门,我从 他的表情上就能看出,一切进行得非常顺利。





“对,至少我已经搞清了他们的底细。果不出我所料,那个所谓的布莱星顿和他的仇人,在 警察总署是出了名的。那三个人的名字是比德尔、海沃德和莫法特。”






