2022年经济学人 缅因州龙虾产业正面临压力(1)(在线收听

"We have to go where the lobsters want to go... the rockier, the craggier, that's where we want to be putting our traps," says Ali Desjardin, as she pulls up a lobster trap from the ocean floor.


She grabs a gauge to measure the area from the rear of the eye socket down the length of the back.


Any lobsters kept must have backs between 3.25 inches and 5 inches (12.7cm) long.


Everything else is returned to the sea.


Females carrying eggs are also tossed back, a regulation Maine lobsterman put in place in 1872.


Lobstermen notch females with a v to indicate to other fishermen that they are needed breeders.


A purple rope, known as a line, attaches the trap to a floating buoy.


Allegations about this line are rocking the entire lobster industry in Maine.


Earlier this month Monterey Bay Aquarium's Seafood Watch, a California programme which advises consumers and businesses on what marine life to eat, placed the Atlantic lobster on its "avoid" list.


According to Seafood Watch, the lines used in lobster fishing can entangle the endangered North Atlantic right whale.


Outraged Maine lobstermen say they have not had an entanglement with a right whale in nearly two decades.


Most say they have never even seen one.


"It's been extraordinarily frustrating," says Patrice McCarron of the Maine Lobstermen's Association, an advocacy group.


"We pride ourselves on being stewards of the resource."


Since 1997 lobstermen have removed 30,000 miles (48,000km) of rope from the water, weakened remaining lines so that whales can break free, incorporated "weak leaks" and "weak inserts" in and below the buoys, and added distinct markings to trace any entangling gear to the specific fishery responsible for it.


They have also cut the number of lobster traps.


Curt Brown, a lobsterman and marine biologist, said at a recent press conference that: "Maine lobstermen have probably put in more effort, more time and more money than any group in this country to protect right whales."

